App or apps like NetLimiter Monitor for Linux


Try "jnettop".
sudo apt-get install jnettop (here), and launch it with sudo jnettop.
(You can only view the usage. For limiting them, Wondershaper, Trickle.)

For statistics (IE. log the data, total use) use Munin or Webmin. (Maybe they are a bit of an overkill, but will do the job I guess.)


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Author by


Script kiddie. I use a Mac.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Nathaniel
    Nathaniel almost 2 years

    I find NetLimiter Monitor quite handy on Windows both for the realtime per-process bandwidth monitoring and the recorded data usage.

    alt text

    alt text

    What tools can I use to replicate this functionality in Linux?

    I am okay using two separate apps for the bandwidth and the usage monitoring, but the usage monitoring is a must have.