Append a param onto the current URL


Solution 1

try this code,

var separator = (window.location.href.indexOf("?")===-1)?"?":"&";
window.location.href = window.location.href + separator + "ts=true";

EDITS: to avoid duplicated parameter or very large string in your url, you need to replace the old param it already exists.

var url=window.location.href,
    separator = (url.indexOf("?")===-1)?"?":"&",
    newParam=separator + "ts=true";
    window.location.href =newUrl;

Solution 2

You can assign location.href to the value it currently has, plus your new querystring:

(edited to be friendly to existing querystrings)

    var loc = location.href;
    if (loc.indexOf("?") === -1)
       loc += "?";
       loc += "&";
    location.href = loc + "ts=true";

Or to be more succinct:

    var loc = location.href;        
    loc += loc.indexOf("?") === -1 ? "?" : "&";

    location.href = loc + "ts=true";

Solution 3



var url = new URL("");

// If your expected result is ""
url.searchParams.append('x', 42);

// If your expected result is ""
url.searchParams.set('x', 42);

// Build result

Solution 4

Make full use of the location DOM API, and count in hash:

location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname + 
    ( ? + '&a=b' : '?a=b') +

Solution 5

I found the previous answers lacking and as such here is a method that better handles other parameters in current querystring

appendToQueryString = function (param, val) {
    var queryString ="?", "");
    var parameterListRaw = queryString == "" ? [] : queryString.split("&");
    var parameterList = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < parameterListRaw.length; i++) {
        var parameter = parameterListRaw[i].split("=");
        parameterList[parameter[0]] = parameter[1];
    parameterList[param] = val;

    var newQueryString = "?";
    for (var item in parameterList) {
        if (parameterList.hasOwnProperty(item)) {
            newQueryString += item + "=" + parameterList[item] + "&";
    newQueryString = newQueryString.replace(/&$/, "");
    return location.origin + location.pathname + newQueryString;

You have to use location.href = appendToQueryString(ts, true) to actually reload the page.


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Fuego DeBassi
Author by

Fuego DeBassi

Updated on December 07, 2021


  • Fuego DeBassi
    Fuego DeBassi over 2 years

    I'd like to have a little easter egg button in the corner of a project site. When clicked, it just drops a string onto the current url and reloads the page.

    So if I'm on:

    The button is clicked

    Page reload on:

    Not really sure how I might go about doing so though.

  • fabiangebert
    fabiangebert about 10 years
    but what if the URL contains a hash?
  • Chamika Sandamal
    Chamika Sandamal about 10 years
    @fabiangebert: location.hash will gives you the hash value. hope you can update the rest as you needed :)
  • oshell
    oshell over 7 years
    So you split the whole query string, add one element and put it back together? Why would you do that instead of just appending the new parameter? makes no sense to me.
  • Envil
    Envil over 7 years
    @HorstJahns to avoid params are being duplicated
  • geotheory
    geotheory over 6 years
    Creates an infinite loop
  • Antony D'Andrea
    Antony D'Andrea over 6 years
    This doesn't avoid the duplicate parameter as you assume the new param has the same value as the old one. But can work if you add a regex for the old one, such as rparam = separator + "ts=", newParam = param + $(this).val(), regex = new RegExp(param+"[^\&]*"); newUrl = url.replace(regex, "");
  • Iftah
    Iftah over 6 years
    sadly not yet supported by all browsers
  • ambidexterous
    ambidexterous about 5 years
    I believe you missed location.hostname, should be location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + location.pathname + ...
  • kingPuppy
    kingPuppy over 4 years
    @iftah according to the documentation URL can be accessed on non-supporting browsers through calling window.URL......Ex.(new window.URL('url'))
  • Tatarin
    Tatarin about 4 years
    keeps refreshing the page