application pool stopped on webrequest


This is related to McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention. Can it be that your McAfee license has run out? Or that you have an old version that needs to be updated? Look over your McAfee installation. Maybe reinstall it.

If you have uninstalled McAfee recently, or changed the installation somehow, there is probably still a reference to it in your ISAPI settings. Try to remove the reference to the MfeEngine in your applicationHost.config:

Quote from the page (my emphasis):

  • Start Notepad as Administrator!
  • Navigate to: %windir%\system32\inetsrv\config
  • Open the file applicationHost.config for editing in Notepad.
  • Edit the globalModules section and remove the following line:
<add name="MfeEngine" image="%windir%\System32\inetsrv\HipIISEngineStub.dll" />
  • Edit the modules section and remove the following line:
<add name="MfeEngine" />
  • After you have finished editing the applicationHost.config file, save the file, then restart the IIS server using iisreset or by restarting the system.
Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • cvanniekerk
    cvanniekerk about 2 years

    I have a site that has been working fine for months. This morning I started getting 503 Service Unavailable errors. After checking IIS, I noticed that the application pool is being stopped. Since I had issues with it before, I suspected WebRequest to be the problem. So I commented out the WebRequest portion of the site, and guess what, the application pool no longer gets disabled. I suspect there has been another security update and I can't figure out what else I need to do to get the WebRequest to work again.

    Things I have already tried:
    1) aspnet_regiis -u then -i
    2) reinstalling .net framework

    More info: I use NetworkService account for the v4.0 app pool with Windows Authentication

    The error from the event log is this:
    "HipIISEngineStub.dll failed to load. The data is the error."

    var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(path1);
    request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
    request.PreAuthenticate = true;            
    var getResponse = new Func<WebRequest, WebResponse>(req => req.GetResponse());
        return getResponse(request).GetResponseStream();
  • cvanniekerk
    cvanniekerk over 12 years
    Thank you so much! I'll be sure to let support know about it as I'm sure there are other guys with the same issue.
  • dkleehammer
    dkleehammer over 9 years
    Thanks for this, I was chasing this down for awhile.
  • dwbartz
    dwbartz over 7 years
    Didn't work on my machine until I opened notepad as an admin to edit the file.
  • dwbartz
    dwbartz over 7 years
    @AndersTornblad yup, i just stubbornly ignored it at first. I'm sure I won't be the only one.
  • Abhishek
    Abhishek almost 6 years
    didn't work for me also until I opened it in nodepad with admin privilege.