Application Routes with Spring MVC


Solution 1

I found a solution, as follows:

1) I create a Routes class

public class Routes {

    private static HashMap<String, String> routes;

    public static final String host = "/mywebapp";
    public static final String home = "/home";
    public static final String login = "/login";
    public static final String logout = "/logout";

    private static void setRoutes()
        if(routes == null)
            routes = new HashMap<String, String>();

            routes.put("host", host);
            routes.put("home", host + home);
            routes.put("entrar", host + entrar);
            routes.put("sair", host + sair);

    public static HashMap<String, String> getRoutes()

        return routes;

    public static String getRoute(String destin)

        return routes.get(destin);


2) I use on my Controller... Now it's possible set a RequestMapping

public class HomeController extends AbstractController {

    public String home(ModelMap model)
        return Routes.home;


3) I set Routes to use on my views

public abstract class AbstractController {

    protected void preRender(ModelMap model) {
        model.addAttribute("routes", Routes.getRoutes()); 


4) And it's available now to use on the views

    <p>Mary is singing.</p>
    <p><a href="${routes.home}">Home</a></p>

Solution 2

check out the SpringMVC router project on GitHub:

it is an implementation of the play's routes file for SpringMVC

Author by


Updated on October 23, 2020


  • claudioivp
    claudioivp over 3 years

    I'm looking for a way to manage the route's use on my WebApp. Basically, I have three places that could share a router pattern. And I could send this pattern to use on my views, through expression language.

    public class LoginRuasController
        public String logout(ModelMap model, HttpSession session)
            return "system/index";
        public String logout(ModelMap model, HttpSession session)
            session.setAttribute("xxx", null);
            return "redirect:/system/login";




    <a href="#{Routes.newuser}">Triple X</a>

    Initially, RequestMapping requests a constant value, so this generate a problem to implement a Route class with static return. Is there any solution available?

  • Tim Bender
    Tim Bender about 8 years
    "latest commit February 2015"
  • UrLicht
    UrLicht about 8 years
    Old question, I know, but for future searchers: you can also use a combination of @ControllerAdvice and @ModelAttribute to add a reference to the routes class to the model associated with every controller.
  • claudioivp
    claudioivp over 7 years
    do you have an example?