Applicatives compose, monads don't


Solution 1

If we compare the types

(<*>) :: Applicative a => a (s -> t) -> a s -> a t
(>>=) :: Monad m =>       m s -> (s -> m t) -> m t

we get a clue to what separates the two concepts. That (s -> m t) in the type of (>>=) shows that a value in s can determine the behaviour of a computation in m t. Monads allow interference between the value and computation layers. The (<*>) operator allows no such interference: the function and argument computations don't depend on values. This really bites. Compare

miffy :: Monad m => m Bool -> m x -> m x -> m x
miffy mb mt mf = do
  b <- mb
  if b then mt else mf

which uses the result of some effect to decide between two computations (e.g. launching missiles and signing an armistice), whereas

iffy :: Applicative a => a Bool -> a x -> a x -> a x
iffy ab at af = pure cond <*> ab <*> at <*> af where
  cond b t f = if b then t else f

which uses the value of ab to choose between the values of two computations at and af, having carried out both, perhaps to tragic effect.

The monadic version relies essentially on the extra power of (>>=) to choose a computation from a value, and that can be important. However, supporting that power makes monads hard to compose. If we try to build ‘double-bind’

(>>>>==) :: (Monad m, Monad n) => m (n s) -> (s -> m (n t)) -> m (n t)
mns >>>>== f = mns >>-{-m-} \ ns -> let nmnt = ns >>= (return . f) in ???

we get this far, but now our layers are all jumbled up. We have an n (m (n t)), so we need to get rid of the outer n. As Alexandre C says, we can do that if we have a suitable

swap :: n (m t) -> m (n t)

to permute the n inwards and join it to the other n.

The weaker ‘double-apply’ is much easier to define

(<<**>>) :: (Applicative a, Applicative b) => a (b (s -> t)) -> a (b s) -> a (b t)
abf <<**>> abs = pure (<*>) <*> abf <*> abs

because there is no interference between the layers.

Correspondingly, it's good to recognize when you really need the extra power of Monads, and when you can get away with the rigid computation structure that Applicative supports.

Note, by the way, that although composing monads is difficult, it might be more than you need. The type m (n v) indicates computing with m-effects, then computing with n-effects to a v-value, where the m-effects finish before the n-effects start (hence the need for swap). If you just want to interleave m-effects with n-effects, then composition is perhaps too much to ask!

Solution 2

Applicatives compose, monads don't.

Monads do compose, but the result might not be a monad. In contrast, the composition of two applicatives is necessarily an applicative. I suspect the intention of the original statement was that "Applicativeness composes, while monadness doesn't." Rephrased, "Applicative is closed under composition, and Monad is not."

Solution 3

If you have applicatives A1 and A2, then the type data A3 a = A3 (A1 (A2 a)) is also applicative (you can write such an instance in a generic way).

On the other hand, if you have monads M1 and M2 then the type data M3 a = M3 (M1 (M2 a)) is not necessarily a monad (there is no sensible generic implementation for >>= or join for the composition).

One example can be the type [Int -> a] (here we compose a type constructor [] with (->) Int, both of which are monads). You can easily write

app :: [Int -> (a -> b)] -> [Int -> a] -> [Int -> b]
app f x = (<*>) <$> f <*> x

And that generalizes to any applicative:

app :: (Applicative f, Applicative f1) => f (f1 (a -> b)) -> f (f1 a) -> f (f1 b)

But there is no sensible definition of

join :: [Int -> [Int -> a]] -> [Int -> a]

If you're unconvinced of this, consider this expression:

join [\x -> replicate x (const ())]

The length of the returned list must be set in stone before an integer is ever provided, but the correct length of it depends on the integer that's provided. Thus, no correct join function can exist for this type.

Solution 4

Unfortunately, our real goal, composition of monads, is rather more difficult. .. In fact, we can actually prove that, in a certain sense, there is no way to construct a join function with the type above using only the operations of the two monads (see the appendix for an outline of the proof). It follows that the only way that we might hope to form a composition is if there are some additional constructions linking the two components.

Composing monads,

Solution 5

The distributive law solution l : MN -> NM is enough

to guarantee monadicity of NM. To see this you need a unit and a mult. i'll focus on the mult (the unit is unit_N unitM)

NMNM - l -> NNMM - mult_N mult_M -> NM

This does not guarantee that MN is a monad.

The crucial observation however, comes into play when you have distributive law solutions

l1 : ML -> LM
l2 : NL -> LN
l3 : NM -> MN

thus, LM, LN and MN are monads. The question arises as to whether LMN is a monad (either by

(MN)L -> L(MN) or by N(LM) -> (LM)N

We have enough structure to make these maps. However, as Eugenia Cheng observes, we need a hexagonal condition (that amounts to a presentation of the Yang-Baxter equation) to guarantee monadicity of either construction. In fact, with the hexagonal condition, the two different monads coincide.

Author by


I am no longer active on this site, but if my posts help you and/or you need further help, do let me know on Twitter at @missingfaktor. I will try my best to respond! Note: This profile description was written for StackOverflow, and was copied to all other StackExchange sites as-is.

Updated on June 15, 2022


  • missingfaktor
    missingfaktor almost 2 years

    Applicatives compose, monads don't.

    What does the above statement mean? And when is one preferable to other?

  • andrew cooke
    andrew cooke over 12 years avoid monads when a function will do?
  • Alexandre C.
    Alexandre C. over 12 years
    Tl;dr for impatient readers: you can compose monads if(f?) you can provide a natural transformation swap : N M a -> M N a
  • Bayquiri
    Bayquiri over 12 years
    @andrew, if you meant functor, then yes, functors are simpler and should be used when sufficient. Note that it's not always. For example IO without a Monad would be very hard to program. :)
  • C. A. McCann
    C. A. McCann over 12 years
    @Alexandre C.: Just "if", I suspect. Not all monad transformers are described by direct functor composition. For instance, ContT r m a is neither m (Cont r a) nor Cont r (m a), and StateT s m a is roughly Reader s (m (Writer s a)).
  • Alexandre C.
    Alexandre C. over 12 years
    @C. A. McCann: I can't seem to get from (M monad, N monad, MN monad, NM monad) to (there exists swap : MN -> NM natural). So let's stick to "if" for now (perhaps the answer is in the paper, I must confess I looked it up quickly)
  • C. A. McCann
    C. A. McCann over 12 years
    @Alexandre C.: Just specifying that the compositions are monads may not be enough anyway--you also need some way to relate the two parts with the whole. The existence of swap implies that the composition lets the two "cooperate" somehow. Also, note that sequence is a special case of "swap" for some monads. So is flip, actually.
  • pigworker
    pigworker over 12 years
    To write swap :: N (M x) -> M (N x) it looks to me like you can use returns (suitably fmapped) to insert an M at the front and an N at the back, going from N (M x) -> M (N (M (N x))), then use the join of the composite to get your M (N x).
  • Alexandre C.
    Alexandre C. over 12 years
    @C. A. McCann: I get your point, but I fail to see how flip is a special case of swap. sequence makes sense to me however.
  • C. A. McCann
    C. A. McCann over 12 years
    @Alexandre C.: Think of it as flip :: (->) a ((->) b c) -> (->) b ((->) a c). In other words, swap used on two reader monads.
  • Apocalisp
    Apocalisp over 12 years
    Additionally, any two applicatives compose in a completely mechanical way, whereas the monad formed by the composition of two monads is specific to that composition.
  • Edward Kmett
    Edward Kmett over 12 years
    Moreover monads compose in other ways, the product of two monads is a monad, it is only the coproducts that need some kind of distributive law.
  • Dan Burton
    Dan Burton over 12 years
    This is probably a great answer, but it went whoosh way over my head.
  • shj
    shj about 12 years
    For the iffy example you state that it "uses the value of ab to choose between the values of two computations at and af, having carried out both, perhaps to tragic effect." Doesn't the lazy nature of Haskell protect you against this? If I have list = (\b t f -> if b then t else f) : [] and then execute the statement: list <*> pure True <*> pure "hello" <*> pure (error "bad")....I get "hello" and the error never occurs. This code isn't nearly as safe or controlled as a monad, but the post seems like it's suggesting that applicatives cause strict evaluation. Overall great post though! Thanks!
  • pigworker
    pigworker about 12 years
    You still get the effects of both, but pure (error "bad") doesn't have any. If, on the other hand, you try iffy (pure True) (pure "hello") (error "bad"), you get an error which miffy avoids. Moreover, if you try something like iffy (pure True) (pure 0) [1,2], you'll get [0,0] instead of [0]. Applicatives have a kind of strictness about them, in that they build fixed sequences of computations, but the values resulting from those computations are still combined lazily, as you observe.
  • ron
    ron almost 12 years
    Is it true, that for any monads m and n you can always write a monad transformer mt, and operate in n (m t) using mt n t? So you can always compose monads, it is just more complicated, using transformers?
  • pigworker
    pigworker almost 12 years
    Such transformers often exist, but as far as I know, there's no canonical way of generating them. There's often a genuine choice about how to resolve interleaved effects from the different monads, the classic example being exceptions and state. Should an exception roll back state changes or not? Both choices have their place. Having said that, there's a "free monad" thing that expresses "arbitrary interleaving". data Free f x = Ret x | Do (f (Free f x)), then data (:+:) f g x = Inl (f x) | Tnr (g x), and consider Free (m :+: n). That delays the choice of how to run interleavings.
  • Paul Draper
    Paul Draper almost 9 years
    With, @Apocalisp, comment included, this is the best and most concise answer.
  • ziggystar
    ziggystar over 8 years
    @pigworker Concerning the lazy/strict debate. I think that with applicatives you cannot control the effect from within the computation, but the effect-layer can very well decide not to evaluate later values. For (applicative) parsers this means that if the parser fails early, subsequent parsers are not evaluated/applied to the input. For Maybe this means that an early Nothing will suppress the evaluation of the a of a later/subsequent Just a. Is this correct?
  • pigworker
    pigworker over 8 years
    @ziggystar Yes. What can't happen is that the values from earlier computations determine the choice of later computations. How lazy or strict the execution of computations might be is entirely another matter.
  • Arek' Fu
    Arek' Fu over 7 years
    I thought I understood Applicatives, but this post cured me of my folly.
  • Arek' Fu
    Arek' Fu over 7 years
    @pigworker, how does error "bad" not have any effects? I'm stumped. Can you please define "effects"?
  • codeshot
    codeshot over 6 years
    That's because, using the term Applicative and haskell tag, this is a question about haskell but with an answer in a different notation.
  • ivan vadovič
    ivan vadovič almost 6 years
    @Arek'Fu you've neglected the `pure'. It's pure (error "bad") that has no effects, or any pure (anything) for that matter.