Apply function on a subset of columns (.SDcols) whilst applying a different function on another column (within groups)


Solution 1

Update: Issue #495 is solved now with this recent commit, we can now do this just fine:

require(data.table) # v1.9.7+
dt = data.table(grp = sample(letters[1:3],100, replace = TRUE),
                v1 = rnorm(100), 
                v2 = rnorm(100), 
                v3 = rnorm(100))
sd.cols = c("v2", "v3")
dt.out = dt[, list(v1 = sum(v1),  lapply(.SD,mean)), by = grp, .SDcols = sd.cols]

However note that in this case, v2 would be returned as a list. That's because you're doing list(val, list()) effectively. What you intend to do perhaps is:

dt[, c(list(v1=sum(v1)), lapply(.SD, mean)), by=grp, .SDcols = sd.cols]
#    grp        v1          v2         v3
# 1:   a -6.440273  0.16993940  0.2173324
# 2:   b  4.304350 -0.02553813  0.3381612
# 3:   c  0.377974 -0.03828672 -0.2489067

See history for older answer.

Solution 2

Try this:

dt[,list(sum(v1), mean(v2), mean(v3)), by=grp]

In data.table, using list() in the second argument allows you to describe a set of columns that result in the final data.table.

For what it's worth, .SD can be quite slow [^1] so you may want to avoid it unless you truly need all of the data supplied in the subsetted data.table like you might for a more sophisticated function.

Another option, if you have many columns for .SDcols would be to do the merge in one line using the data.table merge syntax.

For example:

dt[, sum(v1), by=grp][dt[,lapply(.SD,mean), by=grp, .SDcols=sd.cols]]

In order to use the merge from data.table, you need to first use setkey() on your data.table so it knows how to match things up.

So really, first you need:

setkey(dt, grp)

Then you can use the line above to produce an equivalent result.

[^1]: I find this to be especially true as your number of groups approach the number of total rows. For example, this might happen where your key is an individual ID and many individuals have just one or two observations.

Matt Weller
Author by

Matt Weller

Updated on March 08, 2020


  • Matt Weller
    Matt Weller about 4 years

    This is very similar to a question applying a common function to multiple columns of a data.table uning .SDcols answered thoroughly here.

    The difference is that I would like to simultaneously apply a different function on another column which is not part of the .SD subset. I post a simple example below to show my attempt to solve the problem:

    dt = data.table(grp = sample(letters[1:3],100, replace = TRUE),
                    v1 = rnorm(100), 
                    v2 = rnorm(100), 
                    v3 = rnorm(100))
    sd.cols = c("v2", "v3")
    dt.out = dt[, list(v1 = sum(v1),  lapply(.SD,mean)), by = grp, .SDcols = sd.cols]

    Yields the following error:

    Error in `[.data.table`(dt, , list(v1 = sum(v1), lapply(.SD, mean)), by = grp,  
    : object 'v1' not found

    Now this makes sense because the v1 column is not included in the subset of columns which must be evaluated first. So I explored further by including it in my subset of columns:

    sd.cols = c("v1","v2", "v3")
    dt.out = dt[, list(sum(v1), lapply(.SD,mean)), by = grp, .SDcols = sd.cols]

    Now this does not cause an error but it provides an answer containing 9 rows (for 3 groups), with the sum repeated thrice in column V1 and the means for all 3 columns (as expected but not wanted) placed in V2 as shown below:

    > dt.out 
       grp        V1                  V2
    1:   c -1.070608 -0.0486639841313638
    2:   c -1.070608  -0.178154270921521
    3:   c -1.070608  -0.137625003604012
    4:   b -2.782252 -0.0794929150464099
    5:   b -2.782252  -0.149529237116445
    6:   b -2.782252   0.199925178109264
    7:   a  6.091355   0.141659419355985
    8:   a  6.091355 -0.0272192037753071
    9:   a  6.091355 0.00815760216214876

    Workaround Solution using 2 steps

    Clearly it is possible to solve the problem in multiple steps by calculating the mean by group for the subset of columns and joining it to the sum by group for the single column as follows:

    dt.out1 = dt[, sum(v1), by = grp]
    dt.out2 = dt[, lapply(.SD,mean), by = grp, .SDcols = sd.cols]
    dt.out = merge(dt.out1, dt.out2, by = "grp")
    > dt.out
       grp        V1         v2           v3
    1:   a  6.091355 -0.0272192  0.008157602
    2:   b -2.782252 -0.1495292  0.199925178
    3:   c -1.070608 -0.1781543 -0.137625004

    Im sure it's a fairly simple thing I am missing, thanks in advance for any guidance.

  • eddi
    eddi over 10 years
    Arun, I don't think the .SD bottleneck applies in this case - the normal .SD bottleneck has to do with the overhead of [.data.table, which is absent here.
  • eddi
    eddi over 10 years
    you're right, it is slower and I don't really understand why atm - I think this means that there is another large-overhead computation somewhere else (or put differently - I doubt that the bottleneck is calling eval from Cdogroups)
  • Matt Weller
    Matt Weller over 10 years
    Using wmean proves a bit of a headache here as I would require the weighting column specified in the .SDcols portion even though I don't want to use it! As I'm already using sum on that column it's a pain to also be calculating a weighted.mean on the column... I guess I'd have to exclude that column BEFORE doing the data.table merge.
  • Matt Dowle
    Matt Dowle over 10 years
    It's eval of lapply many times that is slow, not .SD. Look at the source of base::lapply at C level. It does it by constructing a list(...) call and then evaling that, anyway. When lapply is looped, that same construction is done over and over, wastefully. So the optimization is to make that construction up front once (and at R level will do inside [.data.table) and then pass that to dogroups. But only a straightforward single call to lapply is optimized currently. Combined with c() isn't picked up. cc @eddi
  • Arun
    Arun over 10 years
    @MattDowle Hm, right and on point! just tried system.time(dt[, c(bla = sum(y), lapply(1:5, mean)), by=x]) takes half of what it takes with .SD instead already! Seems that lapply is the culprit here..
  • snaut
    snaut over 7 years
    This does not work on older versions of data.table i needed to upgrade the package, it does work on v1.9.8. My earlier version gave the error object 'v1' not found