ARM Assembler - How do I use CMP, BLT and BGT?


Solution 1

You cannot do a conditional branch without first setting the condition register somehow. This can be done with cmp or by adding s to most instructions. Check out the ARM assembly documentation for details. Quick example:

Branch if r0 greater than 5:

cmp r0, #5 ;Performs r0-5 and sets condition register
bgt label_foo ;Branches to label_foo if condition register is set to GT

Compare r6 with r4 , put difference into r7, branch if r7 < 0:

subs r7, r6, r4 ;Performs r7 = r6 - r4 and sets condition register
blt label_bar ;Branches to label_bar if r7 < 0 (in which case r6 < r4)

Solution 2

If I wanted to use CMP to compare r6, with r4 and put the difference into r7, how would I do this?

subs r7, r6, r4    /* r7 ← r6 - r4 */

The same question if I wanted to use BLT if r7 is less than 0, how would I do this?

bmi _exit          /* branch if r7 < 0 */

BMI (minus/negative) When N is enabled (N is 1) where N is a flag that will be enabled if the result of the instruction yields a negative number. Disabled otherwise.

Why subS instead of sub? Because S is an optional suffix that when is specified, the condition flags (like N) are updated on the result of the operation.


Author by


Updated on July 09, 2022


  • user1080390
    user1080390 almost 2 years

    Quick question for you guys, in my loop I need to use CMP , BLT and BGT to compare some values. How would use said instructions in the following loop?

    I'm trying to use BGT , BLT and CMP as I need them to make my application work. The trouble is I have no idea how to use them. If I wanted to use CMP to compare r6, with r4 and put the difference into r7, how would I do this? The same question if I wanted to use BLT if r7 is less than 0, how would I do this?

      BGT ??????? ; branch if greater than 5
      CMP ???????? ; compare r6 with r4 , put difference into r7
      BLT ???????? ;branch if r7 is less than 0
      BGT ???????? ;branch if r7 is greater than 0

    Here's my entire loop:

      BL WaitBUT1
      BL readTemp
      BL checkTemp
      BGT ??????? ; branch if greater than 5
      BL errorVal
      CMP ???????? ; compare r6 with r4 , put difference into r7
      BLT ???????? ;branch if r7 is less than 0
      BL FanOn
      BL errorLedOn
      BL systemLedOn
      BL heaterOn
      BGT ???????? ;branch if r7 is greater than 0
      BL FanOff
      BL errorLedOff
      BL systemLedOff
      BL heaterOff
      BL WaitBUT2
      BL FanOff
      BL errorLedOff
      BL systemLedOff
      BL heaterOff
      B LoopStart