ASP.Net MVC 5 w/identity 2.2.0 Log off not working


Solution 1

I had this problem before, change:




Assuming that you are using ApplicationCookie to store your login information.

Solution 2

Better way :

public ActionResult Logout()
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "support", new { area = "" });

or you can use injected SignInManager into your controller like this :

public ActionResult Logout()
    return RedirectToAction("Index", "support", new { area = "" });

there is no deference.

John S
Author by

John S

Been around since the days of Business Basic and the 6502. Currently working mostly in the Microsoft stack, C#, SQL, etc.. Also work with SCSS, CSS, JQuery, Javascript. Currently a Software Engineer that likes to keep up on some aspects of the IT side of things so that I can do a better job writing my software. Always striving to understand the whole problem domain not just the algorithm.

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • John S
    John S almost 2 years

    I am using a the basic login on a test ASP.Net MVC 5 site (for an internet site).

    The login works fine but when I try to logout it doesn't happen. The logout link does call the following controller action:

    public ActionResult LogOff()
        return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

    But the user stays logged in. How do I ensure that the user actually gets logged out?