async await with setInterval


Solution 1

As mentioned above setInterval does not play well with promises if you do not stop it. In case you clear the interval you can use it like:

async function waitUntil(condition) {
  return await new Promise(resolve => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      if (condition) {
    }, 1000);

Later you can use it like

const bar = waitUntil(someConditionHere)

Solution 2

You have a few problems:

  1. Promises may only ever resolve once, setInterval() is meant to call the callback multiple times, Promises do not support this case well.
  2. Neither setInterval(), nor the more appropriate setTimeout() return Promises, therefore, awaiting on them is pointless in this context.

You're looking for a function that returns a Promise which resolves after some times (using setTimeout(), probably, not setInterval()).

Luckily, creating such a function is rather trivial:

async function delay(ms) {
  // return await for better async stack trace support in case of errors.
  return await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

With this new delay function, you can implement your desired flow:

function first(){
function second(){
let run = async ()=>{
  await delay(2000);
  await delay(2000)

Solution 3

setInterval doesn't play well with promises because it triggers a callback multiple times, while promise resolves once.

It seems that it's setTimeout that fits the case. It should be promisified in order to be used with async..await:

async () => {
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(first()), 2000));
  await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve(second()), 2000));

Solution 4

await expression causes async to pause until a Promise is settled

so you can directly get the promise's result without await

for me, I want to initiate Http request every 1s

let intervalid 
async function testFunction() {
    intervalid = setInterval(() => {
        // I use axios like: axios.get('/user?ID=12345').then
        new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
        }).then(res => {
            if (condition) {
               // do something 
            } else {
    }, 1000)  
// you can use this function like
// or stop the setInterval in any place by 

Andrey Radkevich
Author by

Andrey Radkevich

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Andrey Radkevich
    Andrey Radkevich almost 2 years
    function first(){
    function second(){
    let interval = async ()=>{
      await setInterval(first,2000)
      await setInterval(second,2000)

    Imagine that I have this code above.

    When I run it, first() and second() will be called at the same time; how do I call second() after first)() returns some data, for example, if first() is done, only then call second()?

    Because first() in my code will be working with a big amount of data and if this 2 functions will be calling at the same time, it will be hard for the server.

    How do I call second() each time when first() will return some data?

  • Benjamin Gruenbaum
    Benjamin Gruenbaum over 5 years
    delay should be just util.promisify(setTimeout).
  • Zhora
    Zhora almost 5 years
    Though I think the question asked isn't clearly stated, this answer points out the fallacy stated by several people that setInterval doesn't play well with promises; it can play very well if the correct logic is supplied (just as any code has its own requirements to run correctly). I fixed some syntax errors but I think the gist of this answer provides better information than the others. (I don't think it really answers the original question but I'm not sure I know exactly what that question is asking myself.)
  • Long Nguyen
    Long Nguyen about 3 years
    Then condition should be a callback function.
  • WhoIsCarlo
    WhoIsCarlo about 3 years
    Really appreciate this! Thank you