Asynchronous Worker in Android WorkManager


Solution 1

Per WorkManager docs:

By default, WorkManager runs its operations on a background thread. If you are already running on a background thread and have need for synchronous (blocking) calls to WorkManager, use synchronous() to access such methods.

Therefore, if you don't use synchronous(), you can safely perform sync network calls from doWork(). This is also a better approach from design perspective because callbacks are messy.

That said, if you really want to fire async jobs from doWork(), you'll need to pause the execution thread and resume it upon async job completion using wait/notify mechanism (or some other thread management mechanism e.g. Semaphore). Not something I would recommend in most cases.

As a side note, WorkManager is in very early alpha.

Solution 2

I used a countdownlatch and waited for this to reach 0, which will only happen once the asynchronous callback has updated it. See this code:

public WorkerResult doWork() {

        final WorkerResult[] result = {WorkerResult.RETRY};
        CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();

        db.collection("collection").whereEqualTo("this","that").get().addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
            if(task.isSuccessful()) {
                task.getResult().getDocuments().get(0).getReference().update("field", "value")
                        .addOnCompleteListener(task2 -> {
                            if (task2.isSuccessful()) {
                                result[0] = WorkerResult.SUCCESS;
                            } else {
                                result[0] = WorkerResult.RETRY;
            } else {
                result[0] = WorkerResult.RETRY;

        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        return result[0];


Solution 3

FYI there is now ListenableWorker, which is designed to be asynchronous.

Edit: Here are some snippets of example usage. I cut out big chunks of code that I think aren't illustrative, so there's a good chance there's a minor error or two here.

This is for a task that takes a String photoKey, retrieves metadata from a server, does some compression work, and then uploads the compressed photo. This happens off the main thread. Here's how we send the work request:

private void compressAndUploadFile(final String photoKey) {
    Data inputData = new Data.Builder()
            .putString(UploadWorker.ARG_PHOTO_KEY, photoKey)
    Constraints constraints = new Constraints.Builder()
    OneTimeWorkRequest request = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(UploadWorker.class)

And in UploadWorker:

public class UploadWorker extends ListenableWorker {
    private static final String TAG = "UploadWorker";
    public static final String ARG_PHOTO_KEY = "photo-key";

    private String mPhotoKey;

     * @param appContext   The application {@link Context}
     * @param workerParams Parameters to setup the internal state of this worker
    public UploadWorker(@NonNull Context appContext, @NonNull WorkerParameters workerParams) {
        super(appContext, workerParams);
        mPhotoKey = workerParams.getInputData().getString(ARG_PHOTO_KEY);

    public ListenableFuture<Payload> onStartWork() {
        SettableFuture<Payload> future = SettableFuture.create();
        Photo photo = getPhotoMetadataFromServer(mPhotoKey).addOnCompleteListener(task -> {
            if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to retrieve photo metadata", task.getException());
            MyPhotoType photo = task.getResult();
            File file = photo.getFile();
            Log.d(TAG, "Compressing " + photo);
            MyImageUtil.compressImage(file, MyConstants.photoUploadConfig).addOnCompleteListener(compressionTask -> {
                if (!compressionTask.isSuccessful()) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "Could not parse " + photo + " as an image.", compressionTask.getException());
                    future.set(new Payload(Result.FAILURE));
                byte[] imageData = compressionTask.getResult();
                Log.d(TAG, "Done compressing " + photo);
                UploadUtil.uploadToServer(photo, imageData);
                future.set(new Payload(Result.SUCCESS));
        return future;


Depending on the things you are using in your application, you can also extends RxWorker (if you are using RxJava) or CoroutineWorker (if you're using Coroutines). They both extend from ListenableWorker.

Solution 4

If you are talking about asynchronus job you can move your work into RxJava Observables / Singles.

There is a set of operators like .blockingGet() or .blockingFirst() which transforms Observable<T> into blocking T

Worker performs on background thread so do not worry about NetworkOnMainThreadException.

Solution 5

I have used BlockingQueue, that simplifies threads synchronization and passing result between threads, you will need only one object

private var disposable = Disposables.disposed()

private val completable = Completable.fromAction { 
        //do some heavy computation
    }.subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation()) // you will do the work on background thread

override fun doWork(): Result {
    val result = LinkedBlockingQueue<Result>()

    disposable = completable.subscribe(
            { result.put(Result.SUCCESS) },
            { result.put(Result.RETRY) }

    return try {
        result.take() //need to block this thread untill completable has finished
    } catch (e: InterruptedException) {

Also don't forget to release resources if your Worker has been stopped, this is the main advantage over .blockingGet() as now you can properly free cancel your Rx task.

override fun onStopped(cancelled: Boolean) {
Anton Tananaev
Author by

Anton Tananaev

I am an author of Traccar open source GPS tracking server and Traccar Client phone apps.

Updated on July 30, 2022


  • Anton Tananaev
    Anton Tananaev almost 2 years

    Google recently announced new WorkManager architecture component. It makes it easy to schedule synchronous work by implementing doWork() in Worker class, but what if I want to do some asynchronous work in the background? For example, I want to make a network service call using Retrofit. I know I can make a synchronous network request, but it would block the thread and just feels wrong. Is there any solution for this or it is just not supported at the moment?

  • Usman Rana
    Usman Rana about 6 years
  • Nitish
    Nitish over 5 years
    What happens when Constraint fails. Means Constraint For ideal state then work manager triggers . and after some time Phone out of Ideal state.
  • idish
    idish over 5 years
    Can you please add an example on how to use this class?
  • Bartholomew Furrow
    Bartholomew Furrow over 5 years
    @idish I've added an example.
  • David Vávra
    David Vávra over 5 years
    I can't use SettableFuture.create() in alpha-13, the class is restricted only to the same library group.
  • idish
    idish over 5 years
    Indeed SettableFuture.create(); module is private only to the WorkManager library group. Cannot be used.
  • idish
    idish over 5 years
    Using synchronous over async API when running from a background thread is not always good enough. For example, certain async APIs have some onProgress callbacks will be called on the main thread, heads up with that.
  • A.Sanchez.SD
    A.Sanchez.SD over 5 years
    It's not actually private.… Just suppress the warning "@SuppressLint("RestrictedApi")"
  • Abhay Pai
    Abhay Pai over 5 years
    The task is executed on the main thread‌​er. They say that The startWork() method is called on the main thread. Also I am unable to see any onStartWork in the class. Can you explain this?
  • Usman Rana
    Usman Rana about 5 years
    can ffmpeg command be executed using RxJava? as it is already async method having a callback
  • Admin
    Admin about 4 years
    I tried your way, but my doWork gets called multiple times,
  • Vinayak
    Vinayak almost 4 years
    Can you please add more code for same.This is quite abstract
  • Duong.Nguyen
    Duong.Nguyen over 3 years
    We can use ListenableWorker, you can see document here:‌​er/…
  • Maher Abuthraa
    Maher Abuthraa over 2 years
    Very elegant solution 👍🏼
  • Webfreak
    Webfreak over 2 years
    Thanks @MaherAbuthraa, I've also updated the answer to use the built in suspend worker.