Atlassian Crowd experiences?


Solution 1

We're using Crowd with about 80 users and expect that number to climb into the hundred when we roll it out for client access. Crowd is important to us because it allows us to integrate Jira and Confluence (the Atlassian wiki) with SSO, which is critical.

Crowd works well for us but it does have some quirks. We are using it to draw authentications from Active Directory. There are some things that are a little inelegant. We need to do some more digging to troubleshoot those.

But that aside, Crowd is a big win for us, for these two reasons:

  1. SSO across Atlassian apps
  2. Ability to have our internal users drawn from Active Directory, and add clients directly to Crowd and not bog down AD

We're very happy with all the Atlassian tools.

Solution 2

Major disclosure: I'm the Crowd Product Manager. So, apply as much NaCl as you think wise.

I'd be very surprised if you had any issues with 500 users. Especially since Novell seems to be one of the better directory servers in terms of performance. The only time I'd expect to see problems is if your Crowd server and Novell directory server are on opposite sides of the world. Don't do that unless you have to :-)

We have plenty of users connecting thousands of users to JIRA, Confluence, and the Dev Tools with Crowd.

Any issues - drop us a line ([email protected] or and we'll help out.

Cheers, Dave.

ps: I hope that didn't come off as a sales pitch or "we make magic products that are perfect in every possible way, now give us your money!"

Solution 3

I haven't had experience with Crowd on such a large set of users as yours, but I did find it very easy to set up and manage our JIRA, Confluence and SVN instances with Crowd (we only have 25 users). It will handle Apache authentication as well, so I'm planning to switch our various authenticated Web sites to Crowd as well.

According to Atlassian's site, Crowd should easily be able to handle 500 users; there are some useful case studies and Webinar recordings on the site that will tell you more.

Solution 4

I do have few installations of Crowd with over 16000 users, most comming from LDAP/Active Directory and I would say that the performance would not be a problem but there are other problems which Atlassian did considered solving in years:

  • There is no auto account creation/registration in crowd
  • None of the Atlassian products allows people to register accounts with an email validation
  • There is no way to prevent people from creating several accounts with the same email address.
  • SSO works only if you have only one domain.

If you do no have many users you can configure Confluence to coonect to Jira directly instead of using Crowd. Atlassian products do already have an interal crowd instance in them, but its performance is limited to about 200 users or so (it's more about the number of authentications made, not the total number of users).

Considering the above limitations, I would summarize that Crowd is far overpriced for what it delivers, unless you are getting a free license if you are eligible.

Author by


Updated on July 19, 2022


  • mfulvio
    mfulvio almost 2 years

    Help! We're trying to create a new column (Is Valid?) to reproduce the logic below.

    It is a binary result that:

    • it is 1 if it is the first known value of an ID

    • it is 1 if it is 3 seconds or later than the previous "1" of that ID

    Note 1: this is not the difference in seconds from the previous record

    • It is 0 if it is less than 3 seconds than the previous "1" of that ID

    Note 2: there are many IDs in the data set

    Note 3: original dataset has ID and Date

    Attached a PoC of the data and the expected result.

    PoC dataset image

    PoC dataset spreadsheet

  • mfulvio
    mfulvio almost 6 years
    Thank you Gordon! Do you know a way to overcome Amazon Redshift limitation on recursive CTE?
  • Gordon Linoff
    Gordon Linoff almost 6 years
    @mfulvio . . . I don't think you can do this in Redshift.