Attach to a processes output for viewing


Solution 1

There are a few options here. One is to redirect the output of the command to a file, and then use 'tail' to view new lines that are added to that file in real time.

Another option is to launch your program inside of 'screen', which is a sort-of text-based Terminal application. Screen sessions can be attached and detached, but are nominally meant only to be used by the same user, so if you want to share them between users, it's a big pain in the ass.

Solution 2

I think I have a simpler solution here. Just look for a directory whose name corresponds to the PID you are looking for, under the pseudo-filesystem accessible under the /proc path. So if you have a program running, whose ID is 1199, cd into it:

$ cd /proc/1199

Then look for the fd directory underneath

$ cd fd

This fd directory hold the file-descriptors objects that your program is using (0: stdin, 1: stdout, 2: stderr) and just tail -f the one you need - in this case, stdout):

$ tail -f 1

Solution 3

I was looking for this exact same thing and found that you can do:

strace -ewrite -p $PID

It's not exactly what you needed, but it's quite close.

I tried the redirecting output, but that didn't work for me. Maybe because the process was writing to a socket, I don't know.

Solution 4

For me, this worked:

  1. Login as the owner of the process (even root is denied permission)

    ~$ su - process_owner
  2. Tail the file descriptor as mentioned in many other answers.

    ~$ tail -f /proc/<process-id>/fd/1 # (0: stdin, 1: stdout, 2: stderr)

Solution 5

You can use reptyr:

sudo apt install reptyr
reptyr pid
Author by


I'm not very smart and I don't know very much.

Updated on April 29, 2022


  • aggitan
    aggitan about 2 years

    How would I 'attach' a console/terminal-view to an applications output so I can see what it may be saying?

    How would I detach from an applications output without killing the application?

    Normally if you fire up a talkative application using the command line you get to see all kinds of wonderful output. However, let’s say I have a particularly chatty programming running, like KINO, and I want to view its output at any given moment without restarting it through the command line. I cannot; at least I don't know how.

    • yves Baumes
      yves Baumes over 15 years
      Do you have debug symbol in your process? Does it run in production environnement? And if so do you need it to NEVER been paused ?
    • aggitan
      aggitan over 15 years
      When I have bouts of stability issues with end user programs like kino (crashes and kills my sound) I want to be able to know how/why it crashed so I can work on fixing it. This isn't a program I'm developing but a technique I'd like to know for trouble shooting. I'll try your suggestion below.
  • aggitan
    aggitan over 15 years
    "There are a few options here. One is to redirect the output of the command to a file, and then use 'tail' to view new lines that are added to that file in real time." Can this be done with already running applications?
  • Don Werve
    Don Werve over 15 years
    @aggitan: No. For existing applications, you'll have to restart them, because they've already bound their I/O to the controlling terminal.
  • Ωmega
    Ωmega almost 11 years
    I was unable to use tail as in my case the output was redirected to another process for input, but more showed me the current data.
  • TJ Biddle
    TJ Biddle almost 11 years
    @Ωmega - Wouldn't you be able to find the process that you're redirecting it into, and then tail it's stdin (/proc/#/0)?
  • Ωmega
    Ωmega almost 11 years
    In my environment actually tail didn't work at any scenario, only head and more...
  • reinierpost
    reinierpost over 8 years
  • robert
    robert over 8 years
    One of the most riveting posts on this site!
  • Shih-Min Lee
    Shih-Min Lee about 8 years
    more is working for me. ubuntu 14.04 on a node process
  • Nick
    Nick about 8 years
    This is not working for me with a java process which calls System.out.println. There is no output at all to /proc/[pid]/fd/1
  • licorna
    licorna about 8 years
    @Nick I don't know about Java but you might need to check JRE pid (or something like that). I won't be impressed if Java is heavily buffering stdout either.
  • JacobWuzHere
    JacobWuzHere over 7 years
    Tried to create a reproduction using the below, but to no avail: ``` docker run -it --name container1 ubuntu bash -c -i "COUNT=0; while true; do echo Keep the dance floor beat going; ((COUNT++)); sleep 1; echo \"Count is: \${COUNT}\"; done;" ``` In another terminal: ``` docker exec -it container1 tail -f /proc/1/fd/1 ```
  • licorna
    licorna over 7 years
    Sorry @JacobWuzHere. I don't have Docker experience, I'm not sure if Docker even uses the proc filesystem :(
  • eddyP23
    eddyP23 almost 7 years
    Best discovery this year! This feature rocks!
  • Peter Moore
    Peter Moore about 6 years
    Wow this is so interesting. what happens for me is that doing a tail on a stdout of one process in python affects the input of another processes in python. for example keystrokes in a debug session of python are getting skipped. Very interesting.
  • Tejas Sarade
    Tejas Sarade about 6 years
    This will work if process has already allocated tty. You can check if tty is allocated or not using ps' command. If it shows ?` in TTY column then no tty allocated, then there is nothing to check in /proc/PID/fd.
  • butla
    butla over 5 years
    @TejasSarade hm... my processes (running from bare Konsole or Tmux on Kubuntu 18.04) report that they have a TTY, but I can't tail or less the file descriptors anyway. At least, there seems to be nothing in them.
  • akki
    akki almost 5 years
    For me, tail worked after I changed my current user to the owner of the process with su proc_owner. Even as root I was denied access.
  • izy
    izy almost 4 years
    thanks it works, but output is truncated, e.g. for ping: write(1, "64 bytes from icmp_seq="..., 56) = 56
  • weshouman
    weshouman over 3 years
    if reptyr $PID did not work try sudo reptyr -T $PID based on this issue
  • schetefan24
    schetefan24 almost 3 years
    @izy you can specify a -sLENGTH flag to set a new buffersize (default 32). for more details, check
  • Fusion
    Fusion almost 3 years
    What if file descriptors point to a socket? # ls -la /proc/24510/fd/1 lrwx------ 1 root root 64 Oct 31 08:34 /proc/24510/fd/1 -> socket:[444026]