AttributeError: module 'librosa' has no attribute 'output'


Solution 1

you can use this instead

import soundfile as sf
sf.write('stereo_file1.wav', reduced_noise, 48000, 'PCM_24')

check more here

Solution 2

librosa.output was removed in librosa version 0.8.0. This is documented in their changelog. So the most likely reason for your issue is that you are using this new version of librosa (and not version 0.6.x). You can verify by doing print(librosa.__version__).

With moden librosa, you should instead use soundfile.write to write audio output.

Aditya Kumar
Author by

Aditya Kumar

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Aditya Kumar
    Aditya Kumar about 2 years

    I am using librosa 0.6 in anaconda and i have also installed ffmpeg but i am still getting this error

    the code is

    a = np.exp(spectrum) - 1
        p = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random_sample(spectrum.shape) - np.pi
        for i in range(50):
            S = a * np.exp(1j * p)
            x = librosa.istft(S)
            p = np.angle(librosa.stft(x, N_FFT))
        librosa.output.write_wav(outfile, x, sr)