Automatic Startup of Oracle 11gR2 on CentOS 6.3


Bah. Figured it out right after posting it...

The whole issue was that I had created the "oracle" file on a PC and uploaded it. So it had the wrong line-endings. Rebuilt the file and everything works fine.


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Chris K
Author by

Chris K

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Chris K
    Chris K almost 2 years

    I've setup a handful of CentOS 5.6 servers with Oracle 11gR2 and not run into this particular problem, but I have hit a wall with CentOS 6.3 and auto-starting Oracle. Not sure if this is related to the newer release of CentOS or me having a PEBKAC moment, but I need a hand.

    I've got a working install of Oracle 11gR2 on CentOS 6.3. It runs and is functional. Now I just want it to start with the server. To that end, I've done the following things I usually do:

    Created /etc/init.d/oracle:

    # oracle Init file for starting and stopping
    # Oracle Database. Script is valid for 10g and 11g versions.
    # chkconfig: 35 80 30
    # description: Oracle Database startup script
    # Source function library.
    . /etc/init.d/functions
    case "$1" in
                    su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart $ORACLE_HOME"
                    su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut $ORACLE_HOME"
                    echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop}"

    Than ran the following two commands:

      chmod 750 /etc/init.d/oracle
      chkconfig --add oracle --level 0356

    When I try a service oracle start, (as root) however, I get this error:

    env: /etc/init.d/oracle: No such file or directory

    Not sure how to figure out what file we're looking for.

    If I run that script's actual start command with the variables expanded the database starts with no errors.

    su - oracle -c "/opt/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/bin/dbstart /opt/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1"

    So... what am I missing here? Some casual web searching makes me feel like this approach should still work.