AVPlayer - Add Seconds to CMTime


Solution 1

Here is one way:

CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(CMTimeGetSeconds(music.currentTime) + 5, music.currentTime.timescale);

Solution 2

elegant way is using CMTimeAdd

CMTime currentTime = music.currentTime;
CMTime timeToAdd   = CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(5,1);

CMTime resultTime  = CMTimeAdd(currentTime,timeToAdd);

//then hopefully 
[music seekToTime:resultTime];

to your edit: you can create CMTime struct by these ways


more @: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/CoreMedia/Reference/CMTime/Reference/reference.html

Solution 3

In Swift:

private extension CMTime {

    func timeWithOffset(offset: TimeInterval) -> CMTime {

        let seconds = CMTimeGetSeconds(self)
        let secondsWithOffset = seconds + offset

        return CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(secondsWithOffset, preferredTimescale: timescale)



Solution 4

Swift 4, using custom operator:

extension CMTime {
    static func + (lhs: CMTime, rhs: TimeInterval) -> CMTime {
        return CMTime(seconds: lhs.seconds + rhs,
                      preferredTimescale: lhs.timescale)

    static func += (lhs: inout CMTime, rhs: TimeInterval) {
        lhs = CMTime(seconds: lhs.seconds + rhs,
                      preferredTimescale: lhs.timescale)

Lorenz Wöhr
Author by

Lorenz Wöhr

Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Lorenz Wöhr
    Lorenz Wöhr almost 2 years

    How can I add 5 seconds to my current playing Time?
    Actually this is my code:

    CMTime currentTime = music.currentTime;

    I can´t use CMTimeGetSeconds() , because I need the CMTime format.

    Thank you for your answers...

    EDIT: How can I set a variable for CMTime?