Bad Substitution Error from Variables


Change the curly braces to parentheses.

LAST_MONTH="$(date +'%Y%m' -d 'last month')"
LAST_MONTH_HYPHEN="$(date +'%Y-%m' -d 'last month')"

Curly braces are for variable substitution, as in ${var}, equivalent to $var. Parentheses are for command substitution, as in $(command arg1 arg2).

Shellcheck is a great tool for checking the syntax of shell scripts. When fed your script it says:

SC2154: date is referenced but not assigned (for output from commands, use "$(date ...)").


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By day: Systems architect specializing on networks and server infrastructure in the energy sector. By night: Playing around with new tech, systems, setups and other necessities of life. Interests: Computer systems, networks, photography, coffee

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Stuggi
    Stuggi almost 2 years

    I'm trying to write a script that sorts some files, and I got it working manually in the shell (Debian, seems to be dash), but when I run the same code as a script I get "Bad substitution" from line 2 and 3;

    LAST_MONTH="${date +'%Y%m' -d 'last month'}"
    LAST_MONTH_HYPHEN="${date +'%Y-%m' -d 'last month'}"

    Everything I found on SO seemed to be related to different shells, so I've tried #!/bin/shas well as #!/bin/bash. I've also tried running the script as ./, bash and sh, and every permutation gives me some variation on the same "bad substitution" theme line 2: ${date +'%Y%m' -d 'last month'}: bad substitution line 3: ${date +'%Y-%m' -d 'last month'}: bad substitution