Bandwidth specification of Azure VMs


Quoting from Virtual machine network bandwidth

Azure offers a variety of VM sizes and types, each with a different mix of performance capabilities. One capability is network throughput (or bandwidth), measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Because virtual machines are hosted on shared hardware, the network capacity must be shared fairly among the virtual machines sharing the same hardware. Larger virtual machines are allocated relatively more bandwidth than smaller virtual machines.

The network bandwidth allocated to each virtual machine is metered on egress (outbound) traffic from the virtual machine. All network traffic leaving the virtual machine is counted toward the allocated limit, regardless of destination. For example, if a virtual machine has a 1,000 Mbps limit, that limit applies whether the outbound traffic is destined for another virtual machine in the same virtual network, or outside of Azure.

Ingress is not metered or limited directly. However, there are other factors, such as CPU and storage limits, which can impact a virtual machine’s ability to process incoming data.

Expected network bandwidth for Av2 series VMs:

  • Standard_A1_v2: 250 Mbps
  • Standard_A2_v2: 500 Mbps
  • Standard_A4_v2: 1000 Mbps
  • ...

Further information

Virtual machine network bandwidth

Sizes for virtual machines in Azure

Av2-series (see column Expected network bandwidth)

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin almost 2 years

    I am trying to set up Azure VMs in several regions with a guaranteed internet bandwidth of 2 Mbps. But I can't find the internet speed specification anywhere.

  • batistuta09
    batistuta09 almost 4 years
    Good point. A-series will be the ones to look at to ensure 2 Mbps.