Bash script: Get XML elements into array using xmllint


A Bash solution could be

let itemsCount=$(xmllint --xpath 'count(//item/description)' /tmp/so.xml)
declare -a description=( )

for (( i=1; i <= $itemsCount; i++ )); do 
    description[$i]="$(xmllint --xpath '//item['$i']/description' /tmp/so.xml)"

echo ${description[@]}


Consider that bash may not be the right tool. XSLT/XPath could give you direct access to the content of the description element as describe in previous answer. For instance:

xmllint --xpath '//item/description/text()' /tmp/so.xml

Return every <description> content

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • tzippy
    tzippy about 2 years

    This is a follow up question to this post.

    I want to end up with an array, containing all the <description> elements of the xml.

    array[0] = "<![CDATA[A title for .... <br />]]>"
    array[1] = "<![CDATA[A title for .... <br />]]>"


        <description><![CDATA[A title for the URLs<br /><br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />]]></description> 
    <description> ...</description>
    • Édouard Lopez
      Édouard Lopez over 10 years
      why do you want to store them in an array ?
    • tzippy
      tzippy over 10 years
      I want to extract values from each array object. What better solution thatn an array would you suggest? What would be an Xpath expression for that?
  • tzippy
    tzippy over 10 years
    Thank you! The thing is that, what you described in your disclaimer, returns all the content of the description elements in one string. That's not too useful for further processing.
  • Édouard Lopez
    Édouard Lopez over 10 years
    code before disclaimer should do what you ask. Disclaimer is here to only if you don't care/need the element description that serve as source
  • JulianM
    JulianM about 8 years
    I think in the bash solution it should be "smallerThanOrEqualTo" <= for (( i=1; i <= $itemsCount; i++ )); do