Batch file to delete first 3 lines of a text file


Solution 1

This should do it

for /f "skip=3 delims=*" %%a in (C:\file.txt) do (
echo %%a >>C:\newfile.txt    
xcopy C:\newfile.txt C:\file.txt /y
del C:\newfile.txt /f /q

That will re-create the file with the first 3 lines removed.

To keep the user updated you could integrate messages in the batch file in vbscript style or output messages in the command prompt.

@echo off
echo Removing...
for /f "skip=3 delims=*" %%a in (C:\file.txt) do (
echo %%a >>C:\newfile.txt
) >nul
echo Lines removed, rebuilding file...
xcopy C:\newfile.txt C:\file.txt /y >nul
echo File rebuilt, removing temporary files
del C:\newfile.txt /f /q >nul
msg * Done!
exit >nul

Hope this helps.

Solution 2

more +3 "file.txt" >""
move /y "" "file.txt" >nul

The above is fast and works great, with the following limitations:

  • TAB characters are converted into a series of spaces.
  • The number of lines to be preserved must be less than ~65535. MORE will hang, (wait for a key press), if the line number is exceeded.
  • All lines will be terminated by carriage return and linefeed, regardless how they were formatted in the source.

The following solution using FOR /F with FINDSTR is more robust, but is much slower. Unlike a simple FOR /F solution, it preserves empty lines. But like all FOR /F solutions, it is limited to a max line length of a bit less than 8191 bytes. Again, all lines will be terminated by carriage return and linefeed.

@echo off
setlocal disableDelayedExpsnsion
>"" (
  for /f "delims=" %%A in ('findstr /n "^" "file.txt"') do (
    set "ln=%%A"
    setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
move /y "" "file.txt" >nul

If you have my handy-dandy JREPL.BAT regex text processing utility, then you could use the following for a very robust and fast solution. This still will terminate all lines with carriage return and linefeed (\r\n), regardless of original format.

jrepl "^" "" /k 0 /exc 1:3 /f "test.txt" /o -

You can write \n line terminators instead of \r\n by adding the /U option.

If you must preserve the original line terminators, then you can use the following variation. This loads the entire source file into a single JScript variable, so the total file size is limited to approximately 1 or 2 gigabytes (I forgot the exact number).

jrepl "(?:.*\n){1,3}([\s\S]*)" "$1" /m /f "test.txt" /o -

Remember that JREPL is a batch file, so you must use CALL JREPL if you use the command within another batch script.

Solution 3

I use "more" command for outting file after nth line Command (windows)

More +n orginalfilename.txt > outputfilename.txt

Description: Outputting file of txt after nth line

Author by


i am simply inspired by many of my fathers friends who are genius's on pc's

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • kriegy
    kriegy almost 2 years

    As the title states I need a batch file to delete the FIRST 3 lines of a text file.

    for example:


    in this example I need A,B and C deleted along with the line

  • kriegy
    kriegy almost 12 years
    i seem to have run in to an error ">> was unexcpected at this time"
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    Sorry, there was a typo, I had put a " sign in the filename in the for loop, try now.
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    Sorry, I couldn't test the code when I posted it. I have edited it again and tested this time and it works. I forgot the delims so it was breaking when it hit a space. Try now.
  • kriegy
    kriegy almost 12 years
    it took us a while but we got there thank you i'm going to put up another question it involves if statements ...yay
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    No worries, yeah, got there in the end! :) Ok, I will look out for it!
  • dbenham
    dbenham almost 12 years
    @kriegy - there are still problems with this script. It will truncate line at 1st * character. It will strip lines beginning with ;. It will strip blank lines. There are ways to eliminate the problems, but there is a simpler solution using MORE
  • kriegy
    kriegy almost 12 years
    is it worth having vbscript msgbox GUI?
  • kriegy
    kriegy almost 12 years
    is it worth having vbscript msgbox GUI?
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    @kriegy What do you mean? Use a messagebox for what?
  • kriegy
    kriegy almost 12 years
    the file im writing will be used by someone who isn't as good as i am (and that is saying something) i thought would msgboxes be good so like: running, done simple stuff i know the minimum of vbscript (tiny bit)
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    @kriegy Ok, see my answer, I have updated with some suggestions.
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    I don't know a lot of VB, you mean like msgbox"Hello kriegy!" or wscript.echo("Hello")
  • Bali C
    Bali C almost 12 years
    I think the batch will be fine, after all it only takes a second to do, why not just put a echo Done and a pause >nul at the end so they know it's done and they can just close it.
  • Amit
    Amit about 9 years
    You might want to add a little explanation on this answer. Always better to give a person a fishing rod than giving him a fish.
  • dbenham
    dbenham over 8 years
    EDIT - Added a more robust but slow FOR /F solution, as well as fast and robust JREPL.BAT solutions.