won't launch after latest update


Solution 1

Remove the folder 7730 which is the newest update and it will work fine.

But when you get inside the, stop the updates.

Solution 2

EDIT: I found the following on WineHQ, I haven't tried that yet, but I hope this fixes it.

I'm having problems too. After the last update today playonlinux complains like this

I tried reinstalling battlenet but no luck. I do have the mscorefonts installed (that fixed the last similar crash) so it can't be that.

As of July 27 2016 Patch 1.4.3 Build 7730

Wine 1.9.14

These steps are required:

Create standard directory for WINEPREFIXes

mkdir -p $HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes

Create new 32-bit WINEPREFIX

env WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/bnet wineboot -u

Download latest Winetricks


Make it executable

chmod +x winetricks

Install vcrun2015

env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/bnet ./winetricks -q vcrun2015

Download latest installer

wget "" -O bnetsetup.exe


env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/wineprefixes/bnet wine bnetsetup.exe

Related videos on Youtube

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Elph
    Elph over 1 year

    Is anyone else having problems with not launching after latest patch? Ubuntu 16.04

    • Psyoma
      Psyoma almost 8 years
      I don't know why someone would down vote your question, I up voted it for you. You should include more information though if you want help. Are you using wine proper? What version? Are you using instead PlayonLinux or Crossover Office? etc. Also what patch are you talking about?, A blizzard game, wine, Ubuntu?
    • Psyoma
      Psyoma almost 8 years
      Also, I verified on my end if I could open, and I had no problem. I'm using Crossoveroffice 15.1.0. Mostly because I'm too lazy to fsck with wine.
    • Elph
      Elph almost 8 years
      I'm using Crossover Linux 15.1 and had WoW up and running with no problems. Crossover uses Wine 1.8 and can't be updated. The last time I tried to launch WoW through the box appeared about a required update, click to relaunch. I clicked the relaunch button, closed and never reopened. I clicked the shortcut and nothing happened. I tried changing video drivers and none of them worked. I'm using the recommended driver 361.42. I deleted the WoW bottle in Crossover and tried to reinstall. Now doesn't install. I've been using Ubuntu for about a month.
    • Admin
      Admin almost 8 years
      Are you using Wine? The executable does not launch? Servers are offline? What is the specific question?
    • Psyoma
      Psyoma almost 8 years
      I'll try to install WoW later and see if it works. If you are using a legal copy of Crossover, it comes with free tech support, so you may want to contact support.
  • Psyoma
    Psyoma almost 8 years
    I moved your EDIT answer found sentence to the top, so it would look like an answer and not a question.
  • octagon
    octagon almost 8 years
    Right. Well, I followed the steps from WineHQ guide and it worked almost fine afterwards. I now have a medium severity issue when I quit the game, where the whole xfce desktop freezes and I have to CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE and log in again. That wasn't happening before the bug.