Best approach to get RTSP streaming into web browser from IP Camera?


Solution 1

Here is a blog entry, or tutorial if you will, that achieves something very similar.

Their setup slightly different, but this is the summary:

use ffmpeg to convert your input into mpeg1video:

ffmpeg  -i rtsp://whatever -f mpeg1video -b 800k -r 30 http://localhost:8082/yourpassword/640/480/

Install node.js with stream-server.js script from jsmpeg and ws ws WebSocket package.

To view the stream, use the stream-example.html and jsmpg.js from the jsmpeg. Change the WebSocket URL in stream-example.html to localhost and open it in your favorite browser.

Update an SO topic suggest two other working solutions, with <video> tag: with stream-m Java server or with ffserver.

Solution 2

If you want to stream that to only a very few clients, then you could use a cgi (or in nodejs, a child_process) that directly run ffmpeg:

NodeJS example:

app.getExpressApp().get('/camera/feed', (req, res) => {
    // Thanks to
    const child_process = require('child_process');

    res.header('content-type', 'video/webm');

    const cmd = `ffmpeg -i rtsp://user:pwd@somewhere/videoSub -c:v copy -c:a copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -maxrate 500k -f matroska -`.split(' ');

    var child = child_process.spawn(cmd[0], cmd.splice(1), {
        stdio: ['ignore', 'pipe', process.stderr]


    res.on('close', () => {
        // Kill ffmpeg if the flow is stopped by the browser

CGI should be even more easier.

In the browser, you could just

<video autoplay=1 poster="camera.png" ><source src="/camera/feed"></video>

(Use a poster because the video may take some seconds before showing up).

Caveat: This will launch a ffmpeg for each connection to your setup, so it does not scale at all. This should be used only for a very personal website, where connections are limited (ex: to yourself only).

PS: the ffmpeg command may need a bit of tweaking.

Author by


Still finding.. :)

Updated on October 28, 2021


  • Whoami
    Whoami over 2 years

    Is it possible to get the RTSP Streaming data into the web browser?

    Below are some of my findings. Kindly correct me if I am wrong?

    1. Only Mac OS, and Safari supports RTSP Live Streaming.

    2. HTML 5 video does not support RTSP.

    3. I can use the VLC plugin, but I don't want to use that.

    Possibility of mixing ffmpeg and websocket?

    Assume my IP camera is connected with Ethernet.

    In the client machine:

    1. I run ffmpeg to get the data from server (ie: IP)
    2. Client machine runs websocket.
    3. Once ffmpeg gets the data from RTSP Server, it decodes, and generates the raw image of any format (for example: yuv).
    4. Now, i have to send this image to browser through websocket.


    1. It is the right approach ?
    2. How can I get the decoded image from ffmpeg into the browser ?

    I might be wrong in different places. Kindly provide input.