Better approach to return HttpStatus code Spring REST


Returning ResponseEntity as @M-deinum wrote is definitely way to go. Additionally, instead of defining behavior for each exception in @ControllerAdvice you can just annotate your exceptions classes with appropriate @ResponseStatus annotations.

class SomeException extends RuntimeException {

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Updated on June 27, 2022


  • azalut
    azalut almost 2 years

    I develope rest service using spring for a long time, and till now my approach to return http status code was like this:

        @RequestMapping(value = "/sth")
        public void name(HttpServletResponse response){
            boolean lever = service.doSomethingAndReturnTrueIfSucceedOrFalseIfNot();
                response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); //NOT_FOUND or whatever

    But I am sure there is a better way to do this. I know that we have @ResponseStatus annotation, but it is.. static, I mean it returns always the same code - but what if something would have gone wrong? Then I dont want for example, to have 200 OK as response code.

    I found the solution like this: add @ResponseStatus as static response code, but when something goes wrong in the controller, then throw some custom exception and catch it in new @ControllerAdvice class, and there also add @ResponseStatus annotation and return proper code.

        @RequestMapping(value = "/sth")
        public void name(HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception{
            boolean lever = service.doSomethingAndReturnTrueIfSucceedOrFalseIfNot();
                throw new SomethingWentWrongCustomException("Not okay..");

    And then catch it in the class like:

    public class SomethingControllerAdvice{
        @ExceptionHandler(value = SomethingWentWrongCustomException.class)
        public void someName(){

    It seems to be quite elegant solution, but the code is quite.. wordy, isnt it? On the other hand, If I adopt this for whole application and create @ControllerAdvice classes, then It could have sense What do you think about it? Is there any other, maybe better approach?

    I hope it is not opinion based question and I dont want it to be. I just dont want to use anti-patterns and have good practices from begginings :)