Better logging for cronjobs? Send cron output to syslog?


Solution 1

In the process of writing this question, I answered myself. So I'll answer myself "Jeopardy-style". This expands on the answer provided by Dennis Williamson.

The following will send any Cron output to /usr/bin/logger (including stderr, which is converted to stdout using 2>&1), which will send to syslog, with a 'tag' of nsca_check_disk. Syslog handles it from there. Since these systems (CentOS and FreeBSD) already have built-in log rotation mechanisms, I don't need to worry about a log like /var/log/mycustom.log filling up a disk.

*/5 * * * * root    /usr/local/nagios/sbin/nsca_check_disk 2>&1 | /usr/bin/logger -t nsca_check_disk

/var/log/messages now has one additional message which says this:

Apr 29, 17:40:00 nsca_check_disk: 1 data packet(s) sent to host successfully.

I like /usr/bin/logger , because it works well with an existing syslog configuration and infrastructure, and is included with most Unix distros. Most *nix distributions already do log rotation and do it well.

Solution 2

Pipe the output through logger.

0 * * * * root    /usr/local/nagios/sbin/nsca_check_disk | logger -p local0.notice

Edit: Your update looks like the right way to go.

Solution 3

You can also run crond with option -s (or -S in Busybox) so that output is sent to syslog.


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Stefan Lasiewski
Author by

Stefan Lasiewski

Stefan Lasiewski Daddy, Linux Guy, Bicyclist, Tinkerer, Fixer & Breaker of things. I work as a Senior SYstem Engineer at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, CA. Father of 3 cute children. Yes I'm a sysadmin and a parent. Heavy user of CentOS, RHEL & FreeBSD for production services at work. I also run Ubuntu at home, for the simplicity. I'm a fan of Apache HTTP Server, Nagios & Cacti. Original proposer of (Yes, this proposal predated, and I wish they would have merged with the Unix proposal.).

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Stefan Lasiewski
    Stefan Lasiewski over 1 year

    I am looking for a better way to log cronjobs. Most cronjobs tend to spam email or the console, get ignored, or create yet another logfile.

    In this case, I have a Nagios NSCA script which sends data to a central Nagios sever. This send_nsca script also prints a single status line to STDOUT, indicating success or failure.

    0 * * * * root    /usr/local/nagios/sbin/nsca_check_disk

    This emails the following message to root@localhost, which is then forwarded to my team of sysadmins. Spam.

    forwarded nsca_check_disk: 1 data packet(s) sent to host successfully.

    I'm looking for a logging method which:

    1. Doesn't spam the messages to email or the console
    2. Don't create yet another krufty logfile which requires cleanup months or years later.
    3. Capture the log information somewhere, so it can be viewed later if desired.
    4. Works on most unixes
    5. Fits into an existing log infrastructure.
    6. Uses common syslog conventions like 'facility' and 'priority'
    7. Can work with third party scripts which don't always do logging internally.
  • Stefan Lasiewski
    Stefan Lasiewski about 14 years
    Thanks! After I posted my question, I saw that Apache pipes log output to /usr/bin/logger . I didn't realize that we could pipe output to logger(1) -- it's not in the manpage!
  • Dennis Williamson
    Dennis Williamson about 14 years
    "message - Write the message to log; if not specified, and the -f flag is not provided, standard input is logged."
  • Brettski
    Brettski over 10 years
    What does the 2>&1 command do? what does it mean? Thank you.
  • Stefan Lasiewski
    Stefan Lasiewski over 10 years
  • dashesy
    dashesy over 7 years
    with systemd in Ubuntu 00 00 * * * systemd-cat -t "tagname" /path/to/ after sudo crontab -u root -e