Bind dnsmasq DNS to just localhost (


Solution 1

I had to add "bind-interfaces" to the config file, so that interface and listen-address had the desired effect. E.g.:


This will have the desired effect of listening only on localhost. I was running into issues, since I was running a public dns (that resolves just my own domains) on the public ip of the server, but I wanted to run dnsmasq on localhost, too. So if I remove "bind-interfaces", I will get "dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use", as it tries to listen on the public IP.

Solution 2

Yes you can do that

The dnsmasq man page says this about the --interface argument:

 -i, --interface=<interface name>
          Listen only on the specified interface(s). Dnsmasq automatically adds the loopback (local) interface to the list of interfaces  to  use
          when  the  --interface option  is used. If no --interface or --listen-address options are given dnsmasq listens on all available inter‐
          faces except any given in --except-interface options. IP alias interfaces (eg "eth1:0") cannot be used with  --interface  or  --except-
          interface  options,  use  --listen-address  instead.  A  simple  wildcard, consisting of a trailing '*', can be used in --interface and
          --except-interface options.

The interface name for localhost/ would be lo by default on most systems.

You can put it right in your config file like so


Or specify it on the command line like so

dnsmasq --interface=lo

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • D.K.
    D.K. almost 2 years

    I would like to ask a question about configuring of dnsmasq DNS server. I know about such configuration option as "listen-address". But even if I set this option to "listen-address=" dnsmasq still open port on both internal and external 192.168.x.x:53 sides.

    So I would like to ask if it is possible to configure dnsmasq so that it opens port 53 just for localhost ( like for example it is possible for MySQL database.

    # Configuration file for dnsmasq.
    server=[some port here]
    server=[some another port here]
    • techraf
      techraf almost 8 years
      Sure you can. Please post your configuration file and the transcript. Of course, don't forget a sanity check: stop dnsmasq and verify if nothing else listens on 53 on external interface.
    • D.K.
      D.K. almost 8 years
      @techraf # Configuration file for dnsmasq. port=53 proxy-dnssec no-resolv no-poll server=[some port here] server=[some another port here] listen-address= no-hosts Also when I stop dnsmasq service so port 53 is closed on and 192.168.x.x sides.
  • D.K.
    D.K. almost 8 years
    I tried your advice, Ryan, but unfortunatelly such way it still opens port on external side. Also when interface is set like "interface=lo" dnsmasq always response to request like "dig @192.168.x.x" even if "listen-address=" But when "interface" option is commented out dnsmasq follows "listen-address" option and response just to "dig @" if "listen-address="
  • Ryan Babchishin
    Ryan Babchishin almost 8 years
    @LargoWinch That doesn't make sense. And, in your question you said listen-address didn't work, and that was why you were asking for help. What's going on?
  • D.K.
    D.K. almost 8 years
    There are 2 thing here. 1) Dnsmasq always opens ports on and 192.168.x.x (I check this with nmap) 2) another thing is dnsmasq respons on just "@" when "listen-address=". When I set "interface=lo" dnsmasq starts to ignore "listen-address=" and answers requests for "@192.168.x.x". But my question was if it is possible to do so that dnsmasq not open port on 192.168.x.x side at all. For now I managed to do just so that dnsmasq opens port on both sides but ignores requests "@192.168.x.x".
  • Ryan Babchishin
    Ryan Babchishin almost 8 years
    @LargoWinch try to pass --interface=lo on the command line to dnsmasq instead.
  • D.K.
    D.K. almost 8 years
    This is how I tried, Ryan: dnsmasq is run as service, so line for starting looks like this one. (ExecStart=/usr/bin/dnsmasq -k --enable-dbus --user=dnsmasq --pid-file --interface=lo). So I tested and results was the same as with changes in configuration. Dnsmasq just ignores "listen-address" in this case and ports being still opened both sides.
  • Ryan Babchishin
    Ryan Babchishin almost 8 years
    @LargoWinch Interesting, it sounds like you might have found a bug. Your only option may be to report it if you don't want to work around it. What is your OS and DNSMasq version?
  • D.K.
    D.K. almost 8 years
    Yes, maybe the fastest way to clarify this case will be just to report this as an issue to developers. I think I will try this. Should I delete this question or mark it in title as [CLOSED] for example. What is the common practice on this? As about my system there is: OS: Arch Linux x86_64 Linux 4.7.2-1-ARCH, and DNSMasq: version 2.76
  • Håkan Lindqvist
    Håkan Lindqvist over 7 years
  • Eduardo
    Eduardo over 6 years
    you can use listen-address= OR interface=lo ... don't need to specify both
  • JGurtz
    JGurtz almost 4 years
    Yes and nice to use interface rather than the address since then both ipv4 and ipv6 are added. I needed to specify bind-interfaces to get this working on rhel7. Otherwise it was listening on '*:53'. The comments are a little vague in the conf file "On systems which support it..."
  • batfastad
    batfastad over 2 years
    DNS should always be able to use TCP. See from 1989 DNS servers MUST be able to service UDP queries and SHOULD be able to service TCP queries. A name server MAY limit the resources it devotes to TCP queries, but it SHOULD NOT refuse to service a TCP query just because it would have succeeded with UDP. DNS responses over 4096 bytes will be returned with a TR bit set (truncated) and the client should retry over TCP. This is common in regular operation in the last 15 years due to larger record sizes (DNSSEC and IPv6 AAAA).
  • jan-glx
    jan-glx over 2 years
    adding bind-interfaces made dnsmasq listen on instead of, somehow fixing the problem of it not being used in my Ubuntu WSL1 instance..