Blazor (Razor Components) Refresh Child Component from Parent Component


Solution 1

You can try this


Create a public refresh method that you can call from parent

<div class="modal">

    [Parameter] string Title { get; set; }
    [Parameter] RenderFragment BodyTemplate { get; set; }

    public void RefreshMe()


Call child refresh method

<MyModal Title="Super Cool Modal"
   public MyObject MyObject { get; set; } = new MyObject();
   protected UploadDownloadComponent ChildComponent;

   //Call this method to update the child
   private void Change(TreeEventArgs args)

Solution 2

Since <MyModal> has a RenderFragment parameter it's enough to call StateHasChanged() on the parent component, it will recalculate and render all child components with parameters from the parent.

Solution 3

You can do "OnParametersSetAsync()" on child component:

Parent component:

<childCompoment param="@paramParent" />

Child component:

public string param{get;set;}

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync(){await Refresh();}

async Task Refresh(){}
Author by

aherrick Run, code, slick.

Updated on June 11, 2022


  • aherrick
    aherrick almost 2 years

    I have a simple child Blazor component (MyModal) like so:

    <div class="modal">
        [Parameter] string Title { get; set; }
        [Parameter] RenderFragment BodyTemplate { get; set; }

    In my Parent component I'm calling it like so:

    <MyModal Title="Super Cool Modal">
    public MyObject MyObject { get; set; } = new MyObject();

    Later on after the page has initially rendered I update MyObject but the Child component itself referencing @MyObject.Name never updates.

    Seems I have to force refresh on the child object after I've updated the Object (StateHasChanged) but not sure how to do this with this example.

  • JamesHoux
    JamesHoux about 2 years
    Worth noting if you derive your own MyComponentBase from ComponentBase, you could add the RefreshMe() method to MyComponentBase. Then you can inherit any of your custom components from MyComponentBase and you'll get the ability to invoke RefreshMe(). Its DRY -- arguably better than adding RefreshMe() to every single component that needs it.