boolean variables posted through AJAX being treated as strings in server side


Solution 1

You aren't doing anything wrong per se, it's just that when it gets posted, it looks like this:


PHP can't tell what the data type is because it isn't passed, it's always just a string of POST data, so compare it to "true" to do your checks, like this:

if($_POST['isClass'] === "true")
  //Code to add class to session cart
  //Code to add pack to session cart

Solution 2

Also you can use filter_var function with filter FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN. According to php documentation it

Returns TRUE for "1", "true", "on" and "yes". Returns FALSE otherwise. If FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE is set, FALSE is returned only for "0", "false", "off", "no", and "", and NULL is returned for all non-boolean values.

So receiving of POST parameter will look like:

$isClass = filter_var($_POST['isClass'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN);

Solution 3

This is a bit of an old question, but I'm surprised nobody has posted this here as solution.

Just use 1 and 0 instead of true and false when you're constructing your ajax requests. When you do a == comparison, they'll be interpreted as true/false.


  url: '....',
  data: {
    foo: 1,
    bar: 0


  if ($_GET['foo']) {
  } else {

  echo $_GET['bar'] ? 'bar is true' : 'bar is false';

Solution 4

  1. Send the data from your javascript as stringified JSON.
  2. Make a PHP function to convert the strings 'true' and 'false' to boolean value.

Personally I like #2, which goes with Nick Craver's answer.

Sandeepan Nath
Author by

Sandeepan Nath

Organizer of meetup group PHP Micro Meetups (Pune) About me I am a Software Developer/Designer from India. Here is my Brief Résumé on Stackoverflow Careers. Contact me at sandeepan (dot) nits (at) google's mail. Other than programming I have deep interests in Human Psychology, Entrepreneurship, Social work and Scientific Research. While younger I had deep interests in Genetics, Astronomy etc. I love computer games, especially FPS games on multi-player, cricket, music, racing and adventure. I am a 24 years old guy and as time is passing by, I am gradually coming to realize that there are so many things to see and do in this beautiful world. I am afraid that a few years down the line I will repent over so many things I wished to do but could not do. However, I have started serious planning for all this.

Updated on July 25, 2022


  • Sandeepan Nath
    Sandeepan Nath almost 2 years

    Following is a part of an AJAX functionality to add classes and packs to session cart:-

    The jquery part

    function addClassToCart(itemId)
    function addPackToCart(itemId)
    function addItemToCart(itemId,isClass)
         $.post(url+"/ajax/add_cart", { operation: 'add_cart','isClass':isClass, 'itemId': itemId},
                          alert("item added to cart");
            }, "json");

    The AJAX request processing php part -

    //Checking operation and other posted parameters
      //Code to add class to session cart
      //Code to add pack to session cart

    The strange thing

    No matter whether I pass true/false (by calling addClassToCart() and addPackToCart()), always the code to add class to session cart executes.
    If I put echo statements there like this:-

          echo "see if condition ".$_POST['isClass'];
          echo "see else condition ".$_POST['isClass'];

    This is the output:-

    addClassToCart() see if condition true
    addPackToCart() see if condition false

    Putting conditions like this in the jquery code however works fine:-

    function addItemToCart(itemId,isClass)
            alert("is class");
            alert("is pack");

    Finally, if I alter the server side code to this:-

    if($_POST['isClass'] === true)
              echo "see if condition ".$_POST['isClass'];
              echo "see else condition ".$_POST['isClass'];

    These are the outputs -

    addClassToCart() see else condition true
    addPackToCart() see else condition false

    So, why is the boolean variable treated as a string here? Am I doing something wrong in posting parameters?

    Thanks, Sandeepan

  • Sandeepan Nath
    Sandeepan Nath almost 14 years
    So is there no other way around? I prefer doing boolean checks as much as possible.
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver almost 14 years
    @sandeepan - nope, not sure what else to say other than...this is how http gets and posts work, it's perfectly normal.
  • Gary
    Gary about 12 years
    Why not instead use '==' and let it do type conversion for you?
  • Nick Craver
    Nick Craver about 12 years
    @Gary - Because it's a string , "false" is still true because it's a non-zero length explicit and you won't get surprises. The same rules apply to JavaScript for example, some people never use == and only use === for good reason.
  • Gary
    Gary about 12 years
    I guess I had a misconception of type conversion. Thanks Nick.
  • Hayden Chambers
    Hayden Chambers over 10 years
    number 1 works far better when the object you want to save is multi-leveled.. no ugly recursive php functions required just json_decode
  • mcrumley
    mcrumley over 10 years
    +1 for filter_var, one of the often overlooked parts of the PHP.
  • Spock
    Spock over 9 years
    Beautiful! Validating a boolean like it were a string is imho ugly and fubar.
  • r3wt
    r3wt over 9 years
    you can type cast it to a boolean like so $foo = (bool) $_POST['foo'];
  • Spencer Williams
    Spencer Williams over 7 years
    @r3wt You would need to explicitly test for 'true' and 'false' and reset those values to booleans. The string 'false' cast as a boolean will be true. Check out to review how PHP converts such values.
  • Jonathon Philip Chambers
    Jonathon Philip Chambers almost 6 years
    Although I voted up the top three answers this was the one that was so clean and elegant, it made it into my code. Well done.
  • Lizesh Shakya
    Lizesh Shakya over 2 years
    The best solution for retrieving the data in Ajax or Api.
  • Hashim Aziz
    Hashim Aziz over 2 years
    Please get rid of the space between filter_var and its parentheses, it makes the code only slightly harder to read but unimaginably disrupting to my internal peace and the system won't let me make such a minor edit. 😬
  • Tamara
    Tamara over 2 years
    @HashimAziz done! Hope it brought internal peace to you :)
  • Hashim Aziz
    Hashim Aziz over 2 years
    @Tamara If only, but close enough. Haha thanks
  • Boolean_Type
    Boolean_Type about 2 years
    In case if $_POST['isClass'] hasn't been passed at all (ie $_POST['isClass'] is NULL), filter_var($_POST['isClass'], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN); will return false as well.