Boost async_* functions and shared_ptr's


Solution 1

In short, boost::bind creates a copy of the boost::shared_ptr<Connection> that is returned from shared_from_this(), and boost::asio may create a copy of the handler. The copy of the handler will remain alive until one of the following occurs:

  • The handler has been called by a thread from which the service's run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() member function has been invoked.
  • The io_service is destroyed.
  • The io_service::service that owns the handler is shutdown via shutdown_service().

Here are the relevant excerpts from the documentation:

  • boost::bind documentation:

    The arguments that bind takes are copied and held internally by the returned function object.

  • boost::asio io_service::post:

    The io_service guarantees that the handler will only be called in a thread in which the run(), run_one(), poll() or poll_one() member functions is currently being invoked. [...] The io_service will make a copy of the handler object as required.

  • boost::asio io_service::~io_service:

    Uninvoked handler objects that were scheduled for deferred invocation on the io_service, or any associated strand, are destroyed.

    Where an object's lifetime is tied to the lifetime of a connection (or some other sequence of asynchronous operations), a shared_ptr to the object would be bound into the handlers for all asynchronous operations associated with it. [...] When a single connection ends, all associated asynchronous operations complete. The corresponding handler objects are destroyed, and all shared_ptr references to the objects are destroyed.

While dated (2007), the Networking Library Proposal for TR2 (Revision 1) was derived from Boost.Asio. Section Requirements on asynchronous operations provides some details for the arguments to async_ functions:

In this clause, an asynchronous operation is initiated by a function that is named with the prefix async_. These functions shall be known as initiating functions. [...] The library implementation may make copies of the handler argument, and the original handler argument and all copies are interchangeable.

The lifetime of arguments to initiating functions shall be treated as follows:

  • If the parameter is declared as a const reference or by-value [...] the implementation may make copies of the argument, and all copies shall be destroyed no later than immediately after invocation of the handler.

[...] Any calls made by the library implementation to functions associated with the initiating function's arguments will be performed such that calls occur in a sequence call1 to calln, where for all i, 1 ≤ i < n, calli precedes call i+1.


  • The implementation may create a copy of the handler. In the example, the copied handler will create a copy of the shared_ptr<Connection>, increasing the reference count of the Connection instance while the copies of handler remain alive.
  • The implementation may destroy the handler prior to invoking handler. This occurs if the async operation is outstanding when io_serive::service is shutdown or the io_service is destroyed. In the example, the copies of handler will be destroyed, decreasing the reference count of Connection, and potentially causing the Connection instance to be destroyed.
  • If handler is invoked, then all copies of handler will immediately be destroyed once execution returns from the handler. Again, the copies of handler will be destroyed, decreasing the reference count of Connection, and potentially causing it to be destroyed.
  • The functions associated with the asnyc_'s arguments, will be executed sequentially, and not concurrent. This includes io_handler_deallocate and io_handler_invoke. This guarantees that the handler will not be deallocated while the handler is being invoked. In most areas of the boost::asio implementation, the handler is copied or moved to stack variables, allowing the destruction to occur once execution exits the block in which it was declared. In the example, this ensures that the reference count for Connection will be at least one during the invocation of the handler.

Solution 2

It goes like this:

1) Boost.Bind documentation states:

"[Note: mem_fn creates function objects that are able to accept a pointer, a reference, or a smart pointer to an object as its first argument; for additional information, see the mem_fn documentation.]"

2) mem_fn documentation says:

When the function object is invoked with a first argument x that is neither a pointer nor a reference to the appropriate class (X in the example above), it uses get_pointer(x) to obtain a pointer from x. Library authors can "register" their smart pointer classes by supplying an appropriate get_pointer overload, allowing mem_fn to recognize and support them.

So, pointer or smart-pointer is stored in the binder as-is, until its invocation.

Solution 3

I also see this pattern used a lot and (thanks to @Tanner) I can see why it's used when the io_service is run in multiple threads. However, I think that there are still lifetime issues with it as it replaces a potential crash with a potential memory/resource leak...

Thanks to boost::bind, any callbacks that are bound to shared_ptrs become "users" of the object (increasing the objects use_count), so the object won't be deleted until all of the outstanding callbacks have been called.

The callbacks to the boost::asio::async* functions are called whenever, cancel or close is called on the relevant timer or socket. Normally you would just make the appropriate cancel/close calls in the destructor using Stroustrup's beloved RAII pattern; job done.

However, the destructor won't be called when the owner deletes the object, because the callbacks still hold copies of the shared_ptrs and so their use_count will be greater than zero, resulting in a resource leak. The leak can be avoided by making the appropriate cancel/close calls prior to deleting the object. But it’s not as fool-proof as using RAII and making the cancel/close calls in the destructor. Ensuring that the resources are always freed, even in the presence of exceptions.

An RAII conforming pattern is to use static functions for callbacks and pass a weak_ptr to boost::bind when registering the callback function as in the example below:

class Connection : public boost::enable_shared_from_this<Connection>
  boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket_;
  boost::asio::strand  strand_;
  /// shared pointer to a buffer, so that the buffer may outlive the Connection 
  boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<char> > read_buffer_;

  void read_handler(boost::system::error_code const& error,
                    size_t bytes_transferred)
    // process the read event as usual

  /// Static callback function.
  /// It ensures that the object still exists and the event is valid
  /// before calling the read handler.
  static void read_callback(boost::weak_ptr<Connection> ptr,
                            boost::system::error_code const& error,
                            size_t bytes_transferred,
                            boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<char> > /* read_buffer */)
    boost::shared_ptr<Connection> pointer(ptr.lock());
    if (pointer && (boost::asio::error::operation_aborted != error))
      pointer->read_handler(error, bytes_transferred);

  /// Private constructor to ensure the class is created as a shared_ptr.
  explicit Connection(boost::asio::io_service& io_service) :
    read_buffer_(new std::vector<char>())


  /// Factory method to create an instance of this class.
  static boost::shared_ptr<Connection> create(boost::asio::io_service& io_service)
  { return boost::shared_ptr<Connection>(new Connection(io_service)); }

  /// Destructor, closes the socket to cancel the read callback (by
  /// calling it with error = boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) and
  /// free the weak_ptr held by the call to bind in the Receive function.
  { socket_.close(); }

  /// Convert the shared_ptr to a weak_ptr in the call to bind
  void Receive()
    boost::asio::async_read(socket_, boost::asio::buffer(read_buffer_),

Note: the read_buffer_ is stored as a shared_ptr in the Connection class and passed to the read_callback function as a shared_ptr.

This is to ensure that where multiple io_services are run in separate tasks, the read_buffer_ is not deleted until after the other tasks have completed, i.e. when the read_callback function has been called.

Solution 4

There is no conversion from boost::shared_ptr<Connection> (the return type of shared_from_this) to Connection* (the type of this), as it would be unsafe as you rightfully pointed out.

The magic is in Boost.Bind. To put it simply, in a call of the form bind(f, a, b, c) (no placeholder or nested bind expression involved for this example) where f is a pointer to member, then calling the result of the call will result in a call of the form (a.*f)(b, c) if a has a type derived from the class type of the pointer to member (or type boost::reference_wrapper<U>), or else it's of the form ((*a).*f)(b, c). This works with pointers and smart pointers alike. (I'm actually working from memory the rules for std::bind, Boost.Bind is not exactly identical but both are in the same spirit.)

Furthermore, the result of shared_from_this() is stored in the result of the call to bind, ensuring that there are no lifetime issues.

Solution 5

Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but the shared_ptr returned by shared_from_this() is stored in the function object returned by boost::bind, which keeps it alive. It's only implicitly converted to Connection* at the time when the callback is launched when the async read finishes, and the object is kept alive for at least the duration of the call. If the handle_Receive doesn't create another shared_ptr from this, and the shared_ptr that was stored in the bind functor is the last shared_ptr alive, the object will be destroyed after the callback returns.

David Schwartz
Author by

David Schwartz

What you need to know about me: CTO at Ripple, the company behind the Ripple settlement network. One of the original architects of the XRP Ledger system, the first to solve the crypto-currency double spend problem without requiring either a central authority or proof of work. My alter ego is "JoelKatz" on the Bitcoin forums and other places. Follow me on Twitter -- @JoelKatz. Areas of expertise include cryptography, payment and settlement networks, advising fintech and emerging technology startups, and C++ programming. Areas of interest include computers, aviation (both full scale and model/drone), basketball and football. My wife and I have a blog, but it's only rarely updated. XMR: 8ALqLkYG82G4bU1NcFeNT54URcTrYi2vLYYNKXEz5sQQCSSSfXw7bXh3nWVcKtEXWR4q2oYsRLm1P1gVfT9cH8dfDovPyfR

Updated on June 06, 2022


  • David Schwartz
    David Schwartz almost 2 years

    I frequently see this pattern in code, binding shared_from_this as the first parameter to a member function and dispatching the result using an async_* function. Here's an example from another question:

    void Connection::Receive()

    The only reason to use shared_from_this() instead of this is to keep the object alive until the member function gets called. But unless there's some kind of boost magic somewhere, since the this pointer is of type Connection*, that's all handle_Receive can take, and the smart pointer returned should be converted to a regular pointer immediately. If that happens, there's nothing to keep the object alive. And, of course, there's no pointer in calling shared_from_this.

    However, I've seen this pattern so often, I can't believe it's as completely broken as it seems to me. Is there some Boost magic that causes the shared_ptr to be converted to a regular pointer later, when the operation completes? If so, is this documented somewhere?

    In particular, is it documented somewhere that the shared pointer will remain in existence until the operation completes? Calling get_pointer on the strong pointer and then calling the member function on the returned pointer is not sufficient unless the strong pointer isn't destroyed until the member function returns.

  • David Schwartz
    David Schwartz almost 12 years
    What ensures the object is kept alive for at least the duration of the call? Where is that documented?
  • David Schwartz
    David Schwartz almost 12 years
    The issue is when *f is evaluated and what the lifetime of *f is. If those are guaranteed to be what is needed for this use, where is that documented?
  • reko_t
    reko_t almost 12 years
    Because you can't call the operator() of the bind functor, if the function object doesn't exist anymore. :P Only after the operator() of the bind functor returns, can the functor be destroyed logically.
  • Luc Danton
    Luc Danton almost 12 years
    @DavidSchwartz Remember that there is a call wrapper (let's call it w), i.e. the result of the call to bind, that holds a copy of the smart pointer. When doing the equivalent of w(x, y, z) that copy is not going away -- w will stay alive until at least the end of the call.
  • David Schwartz
    David Schwartz almost 12 years
    I'm not comfortable relying on reasoning about the way a function must be implemented on the grounds that we can't think of any other way to do it. I'm really only comfortable relying on the guaranteed semantics of an operation.
  • Tanner Sansbury
    Tanner Sansbury over 10 years
    When multiple threads run the io_service, undefined behavior can occur as the lifetime of the underlying buffer memory and socket are no longer guaranteed to be at least as long as the handler. It may be worth considering using an opaque pointer to decouple the desired RAII semantics with the underlying lifespan of resources. This would allow the socket to be closed when user code no longer has a handle to Connection, yet still allow for the necessary resources to remain valid for the duration of the asynchronous operations.
  • kenba
    kenba over 10 years
    Thanks @Tanner, I hadn't considered the buffer lifetime in the multi-threaded case. I've amended my answer to make it clear that the weak_ptr pattern should only be used in a single threaded environment. I'm interested in your opaque pointer solution, do you have an example?
  • Tanner Sansbury
    Tanner Sansbury over 10 years
    While not exactly an opaque pointer, here is a quick example that provides RAII semantics to the user, while decoupling it from the object's lifetime.
  • kenba
    kenba over 10 years
    Thank you @Tanner, the example was interesting. However, I felt that the simplest way to provide multi-threading support in my answer was simply to put the buffer in a shared_ptr and pass it in the bind to the callback so that it may outlive the Connection class.
  • schuess
    schuess almost 7 years
    Anyone have any thoughts on this pattern w.r.t. performance? On each write or read a new shared_ptr will have to be created which is dealing with atomics/mutex and could slow things down considerably. Anyone have any thoughts on how to keep passing the same shared_ptr around instead of making a new one each time?
  • David Schwartz
    David Schwartz almost 7 years
    @schuess You want to create a new shared_ptr each time because you want to keep the object alive and you want the removal of the last one to remove the object. On modern CPUs, the cost is negligible because there will be almost no contention because the operations are inherently fast and typically take place on a virtual strand. Such an "optimization" would almost always be misguided.
  • SAMPro
    SAMPro about 4 years
    @DavidSchwartz, is it possible to declare that shared object as member of the a connection class to avoid using shared_ptr?
  • David Schwartz
    David Schwartz about 4 years
    @SAMPro That would make it more difficult to ensure the shared object had a long enough lifetime. But it can be done that way.
  • SAMPro
    SAMPro about 4 years
    @DavidSchwartz, I have a question regarding this, would you mind taking a look at it?