Bootstrap Datetimepicker set date


Solution 1

As per documentation you can use string, Date, moment, null, string and Date examples are below. Note default picker format.

$('#datetimepicker1').data("DateTimePicker").date(new Date())


$('#datetimepicker1').data("DateTimePicker").date('1/11/2016 12:23:12')

Solution 2

Sure, i'm real Necromancer, but i got same problem and .date() function does not help for me. But, i found this:

$('#datetimepicker1').data("DateTimePicker").options({ defaultDate: newdate});
// newdate - could be Date, Moment or ISO string

Solution 3

I have debugged a little bit and I found this solution and it's working for me.


You will get all functions of datepicker by consoling this $('#datetimepicker').data("DateTimePicker")

Solution 4

I think your HTML element should be an Input tag:

<input id="datetimepicker" type="text">

When the document ready:

$(document).ready(function () {
            defaultDate: null,
            format: 'LT'


You can set your date value via JavaScript.

$('#datetimepicker').data("DateTimePicker").date(new Date())

or set null value, which is showing empty value.


I tested it. It's working.

Author by


I'm Batman!

Updated on July 15, 2022


  • JRsz
    JRsz almost 2 years

    I am using a datetimepicker from Eonasdan which works fine so far.

    I have a HTML element like this

    <div id="datetimepicker"></div>

    and use the datetimepicker function like this:

        inline: true,
        sideBySide: true,
        stepping: 5,
        locale: "de"

    The result looks like this: enter image description here

    I want to update the date via Javascript using the date function. My try looks like this:


    Unfortunately this only returns a large object and does not alter the visible date in any way. This object is returned

    Object { destroy: c/l.destroy(), toggle: c/ha(), show: c/ga(), hide: c/ba(),
        disable: c/l.disable(), enable: c/l.enable(), ignoreReadonly: c/l.ignoreReadonly(),
        options: c/l.options(), date: c/, format: c/l.format(), 40 weitere… }

    Using a different time format or taking only date and no time or whatsoever does not help either.

    None of the suggested solutions I found on various websites have solved my problem. I don't know whether I have to update the element? If so, how do I do it? I could not find any hint in the docs...

    It is not an option to use the defaultDate since I need to do this process twice with two different dates.