Bower Command Not Found


Solution 1

Try to remove your bower like

npm remove bower

Then reinstall it using admin account

sudo npm install -g bower

Hope that help.

Solution 2

If you have already installed bower and you are getting command not found error, try this.(else run npm install -g bower)

1.) Goto command prompt.

2.) And run this cmd: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Users\ "Your username" \AppData\Roaming\npm (Please do not forget to replace your username in the command).

3.) Now the system will be able to find bower and you can install anything you want! :-)

Author by


Front-end developer, love using new technologies like HTML5 and CSS3. jQuery fan, and Mac addict.

Updated on July 28, 2022


  • thatryan
    thatryan almost 2 years

    I am trying to get Bower up and going, but stuck with the Command Not Found error. I have run

    npm install -g bower

    And there are some ERR! showing though not enough info to help me understand if it is relevant. I pasted the output into a gist so not to take up a ton of space here,

    I also read about the PATH issue, but I believe I already have that set up,

    echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/Users/ryan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195/bin:/Users/ryan/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p195@global/bin:/Users/ryan/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p195/bin:/Users/ryan/.rvm/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Users/ryan/.rvm/bin:/bin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/Users/ryan/repos/git-friendly

    Not sure what to Google next so I came here, thank you for any help.