Bulk inserting with Node mssql package


If you're using node-mssql library, use bulk insert to add multiple records at once.

It should look something like this:

'use strict';

const sql = require('mssql');

const user = 'sa';
const password = 'yourStrong(!)Password';

const connStr = `mssql://${user}:${password}@`;

  .then(() => {

    const table = new sql.Table('my_users');
    table.create = true;
    table.columns.add('id', sql.Int, { nullable: false, primary: true });
    table.columns.add('name', sql.VarChar(128), { nullable: false });

    // add here rows to insert into the table
    table.rows.add(1, 'Alice');
    table.rows.add(2, 'Bob');
    table.rows.add(3, 'Carol');

    const request = new sql.Request();
    return request.bulk(table)
  .then(data => {
  .catch(err => {

And the output is:

{ rowsAffected: 3 }
Author by


Updated on June 08, 2022


  • Milan_w
    Milan_w almost 2 years

    I'm trying to insert around 20.000 users at the same time in my MSSQL Server from a csv file. I created an API for my Angular2 application and I parsed the csv file to JSON format. But now I'm kind of stuck, I found an answer for this from more that 2 years old so that's not working anymore. Any help?

    This is the code I'm already using:

    //Insert gebruikers from CSV file
    router.post('/gebruikers/csv', type, (req, res) => {
        fs.readFile(req.file.path, 'utf8', function (err, csvData) {
            if (err) {
                res.send("error in file reader: " + err);
                return console.log(err);
            csvParser(csvData, {
                delimiter: ',',
                columns: true
            }, function (err, json) {
                if (err) {
                    res.send("error in csvParser: " + err);
                } else {
                    //I think the query should be done here... 

    Thanks in advance!!


    Using this code right now but it returns this error:

    TypeError: parameter.value.getTime is not a function


    router.post('/gebruikers/csv', type, (req, res) => {
        fs.readFile(req.file.path, 'utf8', function (err, csvData) {
            if (err) {
                res.send("error in file reader: " + err);
                return console.log(err);
            csvParser(csvData, {
                columns: true,
                ltrim: true,
                rtrim: true
            }, function (err, json) {
                if (err) {
                    res.send("error in csvParser: " + err);
                } else {
                    const table = new sql.Table('[Alg].[User]');
                    table.create = true;
                    table.columns.add('Firstname', sql.NVarChar, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('LastName', sql.NVarChar, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('PrivateMail', sql.NVarChar, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('UserName', sql.NVarChar, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('Password', sql.NVarChar, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('Auth', sql.NVarChar, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('Enabled', sql.Bit, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('Created', sql.SmallDateTime, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('Manual', sql.Bit, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('LastChanged', sql.SmallDateTime, { nullable: false });
                    table.columns.add('Staff', sql.Bit, { nullable: false });
                    var count = Object.keys(json).length;
                    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        table.rows.add(json[i].Firstname, json[i].LastName, json[i].PrivateMail, json[i].UserName, json[i].Password, 'manual', 1, "GetDate()", 1, "GetDate()", 1);
                    console.log("Async function started!");
                    const request = new sql.Request();
                    request.bulk(table, (err, result) => {
                        // error checks? 
                        if (err) {
                            console.log("ERROR post bulk gebruikers: " + err);
                        else {
                            res.send("SUCCES! " + result);


    As user Grigoriy Chudnov pointed out, I need an instance of new Date(). I was thinking this wouldn't work because it would be in the wrong format, but node-mssql handles this for me.

    currentDateTime = new Date();
    table.rows.add(json[i].Firstname, json[i].LastName, json[i].PrivateMail, json[i].UserName, json[i].Password, 'manual', 1, currentDateTime, 1, currentDateTime, 1);
  • Milan_w
    Milan_w about 7 years
    I'm getting this error: TypeError: parameter.value.getTime is not a function and I'm guessing it's because I have to use the SQL function getDate(). Any ideas? Thanks in advance!!
  • Grigorii Chudnov
    Grigorii Chudnov about 7 years
    Check the type if parameter.value. Guess, you expected it to be Date but it is not. to check it, use: XXXX instanceof Date. Or just print its value it to the console.
  • Milan_w
    Milan_w about 7 years
    I'm not really following what you want me to check, I'll add the code I'm trying in my original question if you wan't to take a look? Thanks in advance!
  • TKoL
    TKoL about 5 years
    How do you use this with a ConnectionPool? new connectionPool.Request() was my first guess but that didn't work.
  • TKoL
    TKoL about 5 years
    Figured it out btw, when you call const request = new sql.Request();, supply the connectionPool object as an argument, const request = new sql.Request(connectionPool);
  • TKoL
    TKoL about 5 years
    will also work as const request = connectionPool.request();
  • Milan_w
    Milan_w almost 5 years
    @JithinPariyarath I'm not working with Angular2 anymore... Hopefully someone else will help you!
  • Aress Support
    Aress Support over 4 years
    Getting 'ConnectionError:Connection is closed' error
  • Naresh Ramoliya
    Naresh Ramoliya about 4 years
    I am getting UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'columns' of null for sql server 2017 and its working fine for sql server 2014
  • Michael Davidson
    Michael Davidson over 3 years
    I had to run this as await sql.connect... to get this to work, i'm running it within an async function. If i'm not making sense, I'm not the best at async await in JS.