Bypass a licence agreement when mounting a DMG on the command line


Solution 1

If you have a GUI and are able to perform two command-line calls in parallel, you can use

/System/Library/CoreServices/ /path/to/file.dmg


osascript accept.scpt

the latter of which executes the following AppleScript:

tell application "System Events"
    delay 5 # wait 5 seconds -- I tested it using two terminal tabs and needed the time
    key code 48 # press tab 4 times in the license window
    key code 48
    key code 48
    key code 48
    keystroke " " # press space to click "accept"
end tell

In bash, I'm able to write

/System/Library/CoreServices/ file.dmg & osascript accept.scpt

Solution 2

This worked for me when I encountered a .dmg that contained a EULA which I wanted to install it via the command line with no user interaction...

/usr/bin/hdiutil convert -quiet foo.dmg -format UDTO -o bar
/usr/bin/hdiutil attach -quiet -nobrowse -noverify -noautoopen -mountpoint right_here bar.cdr

(note: I am reasonably sure not all of the above options are needed to bypass the EULA, such as -nobrowse, -noverify, -noautoopen, -mountpoint. However, I used them and I didn't test without them so I didn't want to claim something that I hadn't tested.)

What I ended up with was a directory with


where right_here/ contained the contents of the foo.dmg without being prompted for the EULA.

Be sure to detach when you are done!

/usr/bin/hdiutil detach right_here/

For more information: hdiutil(1) Mac OS X Manual Page.


Solution 3

If it just needs "Y" typed in, then pipe the yes command into the hdiutil command:

yes | /bin/hdiutil [...]

That will emulate pressing 'y' and return at the command line.

To type something else, just put it on the command line as a parameter:

yes accept | ...

That'll enter 'accept' into the script.

Note that if the script asks for input multiple times, the yes command will put multiple entries in. You may see output like 'broken pipe' - this just means that the command you piped into quit while 'yes' was still sending input.

Solution 4

I recently came across a DMG that had a EULA and it was really irritating me since I couldn't script around it. I figured out if I converted the DMG to a CDR it bypassed the EULA on mounting the CDR.

Here's what I did:

hdiutil convert foo.dmg -format UDTO -o bar.cdr
hdiutil attach bar.cdr
rm foo.dmg <--optional

Hope this helps.

Solution 5

The "yes" solution above didn't work on Big Sur, and I realized this is because the EULA is piped through the pager, which can be changed with the environment variable PAGER for me. The following command works instantly and automatically with the expected output:

$ yes | PAGER=cat hdiutil attach <imagename>
expected   CRC32 $228777A9
/dev/disk2              GUID_partition_scheme
/dev/disk2s1            Apple_HFS                       <mountpoint>

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Vitaly Kushner
Author by

Vitaly Kushner

I'm one of the founders of Astrails Ltd - a web development company with focus on Ruby on Rails and other latest technologies (Erlang anyone?). I have more then 15 years of professional experience. Using Rails from 2005. If you need help with anything Web related: prototyping, development, deployment, code/security audits, usability assessments, Rails training etc, you can contact us and we'll be happy to help. More info: LinkedIn profile Twitter profile

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Vitaly Kushner
    Vitaly Kushner almost 2 years

    I'm automating my Mac installation using puppet. As a part of it I need to install several programs that come in a .dmg format.

    I use the following to mount them:

    sudo /usr/bin/hdiutil mount -plist -nobrowse -readonly -quiet -mountrandom /tmp Program.dmg

    The problem is that some .dmg files come with a license attached, and so script is stuck accepting the license. (There is no stdin/out when running with puppet, so I can't manually approve it to continue.)

    Is there a way to pre-approve or force-approve the license?

    • Admin
      Admin over 13 years
      Could possibly go on SF; you're dealing with issues that arise from working with many machines. However, it could also go here.
    • Admin
      Admin over 12 years
      Do "yes | hdiutil attach disk.dmg > /dev/null" - that'll type a 'Y' for you.
  • HikeMike
    HikeMike over 13 years
    I forgot to mention that I don't use puppet. This answer might therefore be terribly useless, but since it's been a few days, I posted anyway.
  • Vitaly Kushner
    Vitaly Kushner over 13 years
    it doesn't handle apps that require accepting license.
  • NReilingh
    NReilingh over 13 years
    Indeed; I was under the impression that you would be creating your own packages with no need for a license acceptance. Such is the mindset of a Radmind admin, I suppose.
  • Francois
    Francois over 12 years
    I've never tried this, so I didn't know about the stout redirect. Thanks for the +50!
  • Lars Rohrbach
    Lars Rohrbach almost 12 years
    Thanks -- this worked well with a multi-page agreement, where a repeated 'y' didn't work.
  • Nathan Stocks
    Nathan Stocks about 9 years
    This helped me a ton! The yes | hdiutil... solutions would hang for me when called from a python script for some crazy reason.
  • grant
    grant about 9 years
    hmm I get an error when trying to run osascript accept.scpt ➜ dotfiles git:(master) ✗ osascript accept.scpt osascript: accept.scpt: No such file or directory
  • HikeMike
    HikeMike about 9 years
    @grant You have to create the file with the specified content first.
  • Maxime Viargues
    Maxime Viargues over 6 years
    Worked for me too. Although I just needed the first line to convert it to a cdr file, then I can just attach it without all those argument and it works.
  • BSUK
    BSUK over 4 years
    This works, but it leaves the process silently hanging afterwards.