C# - Creating HTML reports


Solution 1

This seems like a great job for something like RazorEngine. You can define a template using Razor syntax, and then render out the content using the RazorEngine template service, e.g.:

@helper RenderItem(Item item) {

      @foreach (Item item in Model.Items) {

Solution 2

You can save DataSet as XML and then transform it by using XSLT.

You can take a look at this samples:

Solution 3

I personally recommend generating HTML with Linq to Xml (using System.Xml.Linq)

You don't even have to use the strict XHTML schema's, but you'll get heap s of mileage out of Xml.Linq. Here is a snippet from my own code bases:

    #region Table Dump Implementation

    private static XNode Dump<T>(IEnumerable<T> items, IEnumerable<string> header, params Func<T, string>[] columns)
        if (!items.Any())
            return null;

        var html = items.Aggregate(new XElement("table", new XAttribute("border", 1)),
            (table, item) => { 
                table.Add(columns.Aggregate(new XElement("tr"),
                    (row, cell) => { 
                        row.Add(new XElement("td", EvalColumn(cell, item)));
                        return row; 
                    } ));
                return table;

        html.AddFirst(header.Aggregate(new XElement("tr"),
            (row, caption) => { row.Add(new XElement("th", caption)); return row; }));

        return html;

    private static XNode EvalColumn<T>(Func<T, string> cell, T item)
        var raw = cell(item);
            var xml = XElement.Parse(raw);
            return xml;
        catch (XmlException)
            return new XText(raw);


    #region Dot Diagrams

    public void LinkDiagram(Digraph graph, string id)
        if (!graph.AllNodes.Any())
        var img = Path.GetFileName(GenDiagramFile(graph, _directory, id));

            new XElement("a",
                new XAttribute("href", img),
                new XElement("h4", "Link naar: " + graph.name),
                        new XElement("img",
                            new XAttribute("border", 1),
                            new XAttribute("src", img),
                            new XAttribute("width", "40%"))));

Note that is it exceedingly easy to use inline HTML text as well (as long as it is valid XML), using a helper like so:

    public void GenericAppend(string content)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
Author by


Updated on August 17, 2022


  • Man1
    Man1 over 1 year

    I have in my winform application 4 datasets that gets values from my database. Values like like how many products I have in my product table and information about categories. I was wondering how I can save the dataset informaiton in a html page. I want to create a html template so that I can present the information in nice way. How can I do that? Eny good guide that explains how to do that?