C++ Get object type at compile time, e.g., numeric_limits<typeof<a>>::max()?


Solution 1

numeric_limits is what is known as a type trait. It stores information relative to a type, in an unobtrusive way.

Concerning your question, you can just define a template function that will determine the type of the variable for you.

template <typename T>
T valued_max( const T& v )
  return numeric_limits<T>::max();

template <typename T>
T valued_min( const T& v )
  return numeric_limits<T>::min();

or just create a small type returning structure:

template <typename T>
struct TypeOf
  typedef T type;

template <typename T>
TypeOf<T> type_of( const T& v )
  return TypeOf<T>();

int a;

Solution 2

template<typename T>
T get_lim( const T & x)
 return numeric_limits<T>::max();

the good thing is that you can use it without explicitly specifying T:

size_t l = get_lim(34);

Solution 3

Just FWIW, C++ 0x will also have decltype, which is nearly the same as typeof. They picked a new name primarily because the semantics are different in one case. The existing implementation of typeof (gcc) drops references from types, so typeof(int &) == int. The standard requires that decltype(int &) == int&. This doesn't matter very often, but they decided to use a different name to prevent any silent changes to existing code.

Solution 4

Starting with C++11, you can use decltype():


See also Difference between decltype and typeof?.

Solution 5

numeric_limits<typeof(a)> works with GCC. (If you have it in standards-compliant mode, you may need to use __typeof__ instead.)

Author by


Updated on June 09, 2022


  • plong
    plong almost 2 years

    Given int a;, I know that the following returns the largest value that a can hold.


    However, I'd like to get this same information without knowing that a is an int. I'd like to do something like this:

    Not with this exact syntax, but is this even possible using ISO C++?

    Thanks, all. Aurélien Vallée's type_of() comes closest, but I'd rather not add anything extra to our codebase. Since we already use Boost, Éric Malenfant's reference to Boost.Typeof led me to use


    I'd never used it before. Again, thanks for so many well-informed responses.

  • rlbond
    rlbond over 14 years
    of course, this doesn't give you a compile-time constant. In C++0x this could be a constexpr and you could get a compile-time constant.
  • NewbiZ
    NewbiZ over 14 years
    min and max do not return size_t. They should return T (this seems obvious).
  • NewbiZ
    NewbiZ over 14 years
    Snippet from numeric_limits: template <class T> class numeric_limits { public: static T min() throw(); static T max() throw(); };
  • alexkr
    alexkr over 14 years
    @Aurélien Vallée: you are right, but I can return size_t since I wrote the function. Anyway I have this corrected. Thanx. :)
  • Éric Malenfant
    Éric Malenfant over 14 years
    Sadly, I don't think that "type_of(a)::type" is legal. If such a simple trick would have worked, Boost.Typeof would have not existed :)
  • Éric Malenfant
    Éric Malenfant over 14 years
    Slightly more general: template<typename T> std::numeric_limits<T> NumericLimitsOf(const T&){ return std::numeric_limits<T>(); }
  • NewbiZ
    NewbiZ over 14 years
    @Eric You're right. I just checked and type_of(a)::type cannot appear in a constant expression, such as a template parameter :( @Plong: I found a link to an explanation of how to implement it properly. I checked in boost, and they are using the same trick, see : peousware.com/implementer-un-typeof-et-un-foreach-en-c