C# Handle on SQL Server Message Output


Solution 1

The SqlConnection.InfoMessage event occurs when SQL Servers returns a warning or informational message. This website shows a possible implementation.

Solution 2

Here is the example code I tried and it works for me. http://www.dotnetcurry.com/ShowArticle.aspx?ID=344

Note the code you need is actually this part :

cn.InfoMessage += delegate(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e)
         txtMessages.Text += "\n" + e.Message;                                   

It's the e.Message keeps returning the message back to txtMessages (You can replace as TextBox or Label).

You may also refer to this article: Backup SQL Server Database with progress

An example of my code is in the following:

//The idea of the following code is to display the progress on a progressbar using the value returning from the SQL Server message. 
//When done, it will show the final message on the textbox. 
String connectionString = "Data Source=server;Integrated Security=SSPI;";
SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);

public void DatabaseWork(SqlConnection con)
    con.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = true;
    //con.InfoMessage += OnInfoMessage;
    con.InfoMessage += delegate(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e)
        //Use textBox due to textBox has Invoke function. You can also utilize other way. 
                int num1;
                //Get the message from e.Message index 0 to the length of first ' '
                bool res = int.TryParse(e.Message.Substring(0, e.Message.IndexOf(' ')), out num1);

                //If the substring can convert to integer
                if (res)
                    //keep updating progressbar
                    this.progressBar.Value = int.Parse(e.Message.Substring(0, e.Message.IndexOf(' ')));
                    //Check status from message 
                    int succ;
                    succ = textBox.Text.IndexOf("successfully");
                    //or succ = e.Message.IndexOf("successfully");  //get result from e.Message directly
                    if (succ != -1) //If IndexOf find nothing, it will return -1
                        progressBar.Value = 100;
                        progressBar.Value = 0;
                        MessageBox.Show("Error, backup failed!");
    using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(string.Format(
        "Your SQL Script"//,
        ), con))
        //Set timeout = 1200 seconds (equal 20 minutes, you can set smaller value for shoter time out. 
        cmd.CommandTimeout = 1200;
    //con.InfoMessage -= OnInfoMessage;
    con.FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors = false;

In order to get the progressbar working, you need to implement this with a backgroundworker, which your application won't freeze and get 100% done suddenly.

Author by


I've been writing software for a living since my sophomore year in High School. I like to think I'm good at it, mostly. I have also doubled as a systems administrator, entrepeneur, business developer, and sometimes as a CTO of small companies. While I'm always interested in the latest and slickest approach to crafting software, I try to stay pragmatic and tend to think about technology in terms of revenues. My technology strengths are in Database Design and Programming (not so much optimization) and middleware. I'm very good at turning business rules into decision trees, and like to apply rules from the bottom up. I'm into SQL Server (and other flavors of SQL), .Net, C#, and building Web Applications. I'm slowly jumping on the web 2.0 bandwagon, and JavaScript, which was the red-headed stepchild of languages when I cut my web design teeth, is my next target to become an expert at.

Updated on July 19, 2022


  • bopapa_1979
    bopapa_1979 almost 2 years

    When executing scripts in SQL Server Management Studio, messages are often generated that display in the message window. For example when running a backup of a database:

    10 percent processed.

    20 percent processed.


    Processed 1722608 pages for database 'Sample', file 'Sampe' on file 1.

    100 percent processed.

    Processed 1 pages for database 'Sample', file 'Sample_Log' on file 1.

    BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 1722609 pages in 202.985 seconds (66.299 MB/sec).

    I would like to be able to display these message in a C# application that is running SQL scripts against a database. However, I cannot figure out how to get a handle on the message output from SQL as it is generated. Does anybody know how to do this? It doesn't matter to me which connection framework I have to use. I'm relatively comfortable with LINQ, NHibernate, Entity Framework, ADO.Net, Enterprise Library, and am happy to learn new ones.