C++ print out a binary search tree


You can use recursion (pseudocode):

   print-tree(left-subnode) if exists
   print-tree(right-subnode) if exists

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Updated on May 13, 2022


  • starcorn
    starcorn about 2 years

    Got nothing better to do this Christmas holiday, so I decided to try out making a binary search tree. I'm stuck with the print function. How should the logic behind it work? Since the tree is already inserting it in a somewhat sorted order, and I want to print the tree from smallest values to the biggest.

    So I need to travel to the furthest left branch of the tree to print the first value. Right, so after that how do I remember the way back up, do I need to save the previous node? A search in wikipedia gave me an solution which they used stack. And other solutions I couldn't quite understand how they've made it, so I'm asking here instead hoping someone can enlight me.

    I also wonder my insert function is OK. I've seen other's solution being smaller.

    void treenode::insert(int i)
       if(root == 0)
          cout << "root" << endl;
          root = new node(i,root);
          node* travel = root;
          node* prev;
             if(travel->value > i)
                cout << "travel left" << endl;
                prev = travel;
                travel = travel->left;
                cout << "travel right" << endl;
                prev = travel;
                travel = travel->right;
          if(prev->value > i)
             cout << "left" << endl;
             prev->left = new node(i);
             cout << "right" << endl;
             prev->right = new node(i);
    void treenode::print()
       node* travel = root;
          cout << travel->value << endl;
          travel = travel->left;
  • starcorn
    starcorn over 13 years
    funny thing it works. Not so funny is that I don't understand it... I hate recursion...
  • T.E.D.
    T.E.D. over 13 years
    @starcorn - If you feel that way about recursion, my suggestion would be drop this project and take up writing programs in Lisp for a while until you are comfortable with it. There are reasons to avoid it on occasion, but to be a truly expert developer recursion needs to be in your toolbox.
  • abRao
    abRao over 13 years
    @starcorn - for the uninitiated recursion can be daunting - most of us go through that! Here is an easy way to understand recursion - the "crux" of a recursive call is not in the recursion itself, rather it is in the "end cases", viz., the parts of the code that execute when you are not going to do a recursive call. Start by trying to understand the print functions - the difference version postorder, preorder and inorder. A quick search showed up this web page cs.umd.edu/class/spring2002/cmsc214/Tutorial/recursion.html