Cache URL images iphone UITableview


Solution 1

A nice working example was found here

Solution 2

Here is a simple ImageCache implementation using NSCache. ImageCache is a singelton.


    #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

    @interface ImageCache : NSObject

    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSCache *imgCache;

    #pragma mark - Methods

    + (ImageCache*)sharedImageCache;
    //- (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageURL: (UIImage *)image;
   - (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageURL withImage:(UIImage *)image;
    - (UIImage*) GetImage:(NSString *)imageURL;
    - (BOOL) DoesExist:(NSString *)imageURL;



  #import "ImageCache.h"

    @implementation ImageCache

    @synthesize imgCache;

    #pragma mark - Methods

    static ImageCache* sharedImageCache = nil;

        @synchronized([ImageCache class])
            if (!sharedImageCache)
                sharedImageCache= [[self alloc] init];

            return sharedImageCache;

        return nil;

        @synchronized([ImageCache class])
            NSAssert(sharedImageCache == nil, @"Attempted to allocate a second instance of a singleton.");
            sharedImageCache = [super alloc];

            return sharedImageCache;

        return nil;

        self = [super init];
        if (self != nil) 
            imgCache = [[NSCache alloc] init];

        return self;

   // - (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageURL: (UIImage *)image
- (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageURL withImage:(UIImage *)image
        [imgCache setObject:image forKey:imageURL];

    - (NSString*) GetImage:(NSString *)imageURL
        return [imgCache objectForKey:imageURL];

    - (BOOL) DoesExist:(NSString *)imageURL
        if ([imgCache objectForKey:imageURL] == nil)
            return false;

        return true;



UIImage *image;

    // 1. Check the image cache to see if the image already exists. If so, then use it. If not, then download it.

    if ([[ImageCache sharedImageCache] DoesExist:imgUrl] == true)
        image = [[ImageCache sharedImageCache] GetImage:imgUrl];
        NSData *imageData = [[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: imgUrl]];
        image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];

        // Add the image to the cache 
        //[[ImageCache sharedImageCache] AddImage:imgUrl :image];

        [[ImageCache sharedImageCache] AddImage:imgUrl withImage:image];

Solution 3

You could also try using the awesome EgoImage library written by the sharp fellows at enormego to accomplish this. It is very simple to use, makes efficient use of cache behind the scenes and is ideally suited to meet your requirements.

Here's the github path for the library which includes a demo app.

Author by


Updated on June 04, 2022


  • dubbeat
    dubbeat about 2 years

    I'm seeking a tutorial on how to cache images loaded from a url into cells of a uitableview.

    I found an example here

    But the code is incomplete. I'm an objective c novice so I found it very difficult to fill in the missing pieces.

  • Dr4ke the b4dass
    Dr4ke the b4dass over 13 years
    An additional tip here: if you are caching lots of images, or large images, and are therefore using a good amount of memory, you may want to make a "+ (void)flushCache" method that does "[cache removeAllObjects]" so you can call it from within the didReceiveMemoryWarning methods as needed.. that will free up all of that memory.
  • wcochran
    wcochran over 12 years
    Updated version for iOS 5: git clone‌​.git link
  • Huang Yen-Chieh
    Huang Yen-Chieh about 12 years
    in ImageCache.m the method there's a typo: - (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageURL: (NSString *)image should be - (void) AddImage:(NSString *)imageURL: (UIImage *)image. The (NSString *)image should be (UIImage *)image.
  • Umut Koseali
    Umut Koseali about 11 years
    Thanks for your great answer. It is full fill with req. information
  • Dilip
    Dilip almost 11 years
    Really helpful answer +1, 1 question where is this cache images are stored i have checked document directory that does not contain it and other question is how could this code will delete this cache images or no need to do that?
  • Rob
    Rob almost 11 years
    Well done. But I'd suggest 1. following camelCase naming conventions for your methods; and 2. use dispatch_once for instantiating your singleton (see Matt Galloway's singleton discussion.
  • Tulon
    Tulon over 10 years
    Hi, I do the same as you did here, but it is not working. I want to show the thumbnail image in customCell with NSCache. Here is my post,… please take have a look on it. Thanks..
  • Gautam Jain
    Gautam Jain about 9 years
    Good one. But once there are a lot of images in the cache, it will cause a memory warning and might eventually crash. Why don't you add an observer for memoryWarning: in init and remove cache objects if the method is fired.
  • MarBVI
    MarBVI about 8 years
    @GautamJain can you explain a bit more about this? Can you give the code to do that for this example?