cakephp excel/csv export component


Solution 1

This solution is for CakePHP 2.0.. u can also integrate it in CakePHP 1.3

Step 1: Save the following file as Csv.php into your app/View/Helper directory

class CsvHelper extends AppHelper
var $delimiter = ',';
var $enclosure = '"';
var $filename = 'Export.csv';
var $line = array();
var $buffer;

function CsvHelper()
function clear() 
    $this->line = array();
    $this->buffer = fopen('php://temp/maxmemory:'. (5*1024*1024), 'r+');

function addField($value) 
    $this->line[] = $value;

function endRow() 
    $this->line = array();

function addRow($row) 
    fputcsv($this->buffer, $row, $this->delimiter, $this->enclosure);

function renderHeaders() 
    header('Content-Type: text/csv');

function setFilename($filename) 
    $this->filename = $filename;
    if (strtolower(substr($this->filename, -4)) != '.csv') 
        $this->filename .= '.csv';

function render($outputHeaders = true, $to_encoding = null, $from_encoding ="auto") 
    if ($outputHeaders) 
        if (is_string($outputHeaders)) 
    $output = stream_get_contents($this->buffer);

    if ($to_encoding) 
        $output = mb_convert_encoding($output, $to_encoding, $from_encoding);
    return $this->output($output);

Step 2: Add this Helper to your controller:

var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form','Csv'); 

Step 3: create a method “download” at controller for eg. homes_controller.php

function download()
    $this->set('orders', $this->Order->find('all'));
    $this->layout = null;
    $this->autoLayout = false;
    Configure::write('debug', '0');

Step 4: put this link on page from where you have to download CSV

echo $this->Html->link('Download',array('controller'=>'homes','action'=>'download'), array('target'=>'_blank'));

Step: 5 (final step)

Put this code on View/Homes/download.ctp

 $line= $orders[0]['Order'];
 foreach ($orders as $order)
      $line = $order['Order'];
 echo  $this->CSV->render($filename);

Solution 2

Recently, I've worked in some projects that required exporting data in XLS and CSV. These helpers work really nice:

Solution 3

There is an article in the bakery about using PHPExcel within cakePHP. This library provides options for writing spreadsheet data in a number of different formats. Examples given in the linked bakery article are for xls and xlsx files, but csv is also an option.

Solution 4

No Need Any Component or Helper

Great tutorial


public function export() {
    $data = $this->Subscriber->find('all');
    $this->layout = 'ajax';



export.ctp file

foreach ($data as $row):
foreach ($row['Subscriber'] as &$cell):
    // Escape double quotation marks
    $cell = '"' . preg_replace('/"/','""',$cell) . '"';
echo implode(',', $row['Subscriber']) . "\n";

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Aditya P Bhatt
Author by

Aditya P Bhatt

Updated on March 30, 2020


  • Aditya P Bhatt
    Aditya P Bhatt about 4 years

    I want to integrate Excel/CSV Export option with my CakePHP website, any idea about available components or helpers?

    Thanks !

  • Aditya P Bhatt
    Aditya P Bhatt about 13 years
    can't we import both together with some option selection only, like whether you want CSV or Excel, rather two separate helpers?
  • Ganesh Yoganand
    Ganesh Yoganand over 10 years
    Hi everything is working well and good in localhost but if I am trying online I am not able to get download pop-up but the data is getting echoed in the browser itself. Please do suggest me any solution.
  • Navnish Bhardwaj
    Navnish Bhardwaj over 8 years
    getting HTML code too in exported excel file.. then below that code I have my desired data list. Any help why its exporting code too in file??
  • rocknrollcanneverdie
    rocknrollcanneverdie over 8 years
    You forgot to credit the original author:…
  • A.A Noman
    A.A Noman over 6 years
    I use this code but download only table data. But I need with table header and data
