Calculating (a^b)%MOD


Solution 1

That's a typical task. Please (or, really, PLEASE!) read about the Euler's totient function.

And then the Euler's theorem.

The thing is you can dramatically reduce a^b to a^(b % phi(MOD)). Yes, you will need some kind of an integer factorization method, but still, no crazy ideas about actually calculating the power needed.

We did such samples by hand in my youth :) Even when the numbers where far beyond 32/64 bit range.

EDIT: Well, you live and learn. In 2008 the result is obtained:

"The totient is the discrete Fourier transform of the gcd: (Schramm (2008))"

So to calculate phi(b) one does not need to know its factors.


And the Carmichael's function is what you need to calculate to get the correct answer for any a, b and MOD.

Solution 2

I use this function to solve this problem

UVA 374 - Big Mod

// a^b % T

// with Exponentiation by squaring (

// if a very large use
// R=(unsigned long long)(R*a)%T;

int restOfPot(long long a,int b,int T)
    long long R=1;

        if(b&1) R=(R*a)%T;

    return int(R);

Solution 3

For dealing with very large numbers, take a look at boost's Multiprecision library. It has a powm() function that works for this purpose well.

From Generic Integer Operations

template <class Integer>
Integer powm(const Integer& b, const Integer& p, const Integer& m);

Returns bp % m.


#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>

boost::multiprecision::cpp_int pow("8912627233012800753578052027888001981");
boost::multiprecision::cpp_int mod("0x86f71688cdd2612c117d1f54bdae029");
boost::multiprecision::cpp_int base(12345);

boost::multiprecision::cpp_int result = powm(base, pow, mod);

std::cout << "result is: " << result << std::endl;


result is: 5758534182572671080415167723795472693

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Gurpreet Singh
Author by

Gurpreet Singh

Updated on October 21, 2022


  • Gurpreet Singh
    Gurpreet Singh over 1 year

    I want to code for calculating the value of pow(a,b)%MOD. I use C++ to code.

    But the problem is the value of b can be very large. I know the log(b) time complexity method. But, the value of b might not fit in the data type "long long" of C++. For example b can be 1000000000 th Fibonacci number. Exact calculation of such a big number is itself, not possible (in time limits).

    P.S. :

    • pow(a,b) means a*a*a*a*... b times.
    • X % MOD means the remainder obtained on dividing X by MOD.
    • Viktor Latypov
      Viktor Latypov almost 12 years
      Guys, when it comes to number theoretical tasks, brute-force approaches are, to say the least, not the best way to solve the problem. A little NumberTheory 101 and you know about classical Euler's theorem. My answer has the appropriate link. I believe MOD is a usual integer which fits in a CPU's register and this makes the task a simple exercise in modular arithmetics.
    • phuclv
      possible duplicate of Calculating pow(a,b) mod n
  • Viktor Latypov
    Viktor Latypov almost 12 years
    It's a number-theoretic question, really. No need to brute-force here. The whole point of the task is to show the superiority of some simple classic theorems. See my answer.
  • Gurpreet Singh
    Gurpreet Singh almost 12 years
    Thanks Viktor. I got what was desired. Thanks for the help... :-) BTW, I knew about the totient function, but not about that Euler's theorem...
  • Mario
    Mario almost 12 years
    Interesting, guess you just stole my weekend's spare time, going to read up on that. :)
  • Viktor Latypov
    Viktor Latypov almost 12 years
    This book is nice:‌​AC Also the Ivan Vinogradov's books are good. The Jean-Pierre Serre's "Course d'arithmetique" opens even more possibilities.
  • Mark Dickinson
    Mark Dickinson almost 12 years
    "So to calculate phi(b) one does not need to know its factors." This hardly looks like a practical method for computing phi(b), though.
  • Viktor Latypov
    Viktor Latypov almost 12 years
    @MarkDickinson: Yes, that's why I added the remark about Schramm's paper. There's only a single discrete Fourier transform involved.
  • Mark Dickinson
    Mark Dickinson almost 12 years
    Sorry; that's what I meant: computing via the Fourier transform isn't going to be any more efficient than computing via factoring. (BTW, I believe the result on wikipedia attributed to Schramm is actually much much older.)
  • Viktor Latypov
    Viktor Latypov almost 12 years
    I also believe that Schramm's result might have been known for a long time. The thing with Fourier... Yes, I see the weakness of my answer. Not a number theorist, unfortunately.
  • chux - Reinstate Monica
    chux - Reinstate Monica over 4 years
    Minor: Fails corner case: restOfPot(a,0, 1), Fix-able with long long R=1%T;
  • Liju Thomas
    Liju Thomas almost 3 years
    Can you summarize what you have done along with the solution?