Calling R script from python using rpy2


source is a r function, which runs a r source file. Therefore in rpy2, we have two ways to call it, either:

import rpy2.robjects as robjects
r = robjects.r


import rpy2.robjects as robjects
r = robjects.r

r[r.source("script.R")] is a wrong way to do it.

Same idea may apply to the next line.

Author by


Geomatics standardisation engineer at IGN France (National Institute of Geographic and Forestry Information). Huge Python fan, I code small projects when I'm bored.

Updated on November 22, 2020


  • Efferalgan
    Efferalgan over 3 years

    I'm very new to rpy2, as well as R.

    I basically have a R script, script.R, which contains functions, such as rfunc(folder). It is located in the same directory as my python script. I want to call it from Python, and then launch one of its functions. I do not need any output from this R function. I know it must be very basic, but I cannot find examples of R script-calling python codes. What I am currently doing, in Python:

    import rpy2.robjects as robjects
    def pyFunction(folder):
        #do python stuff 
        #do python stuff

    I am getting an error on the line with source:

    r[r.source("script.R")] File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rpy2/robjects/", line 226, in __getitem__ res = _globalenv.get(item) TypeError: argument 1 must be string, not ListVector

    I quite do not understand how the argument I give it is not a string, and I guess the same problem will then happen on the next line, with folder being a python string, and not a R thingie.

    So, how can I properly call my script?