Calling webmethod ina aspx.cs file using jquery ajax


Solution 1

You webmethod needs to be static.

public static Details[] getDetails(string columnname, string inputVal)

Solution 2

This one is a complete sample, which shows the whole process at the beginning until at the end of how to call a server side "webmethod" via ajax request using page.

Solution 3

Try to set type to "Get" and send the parameters in the URL instead of Data

url: "Default.aspx/getDetails/?colunmname="+colname+"&inputVal="+inputValue,
type: "GET"
Luke Villanueva
Author by

Luke Villanueva


Updated on August 27, 2020


  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva almost 4 years

    I have a default.aspx.cs which contains my webmethod to call and I have my js file that containg my jquery ajax. I can't get to call the webmethod.

    Here is my default.aspx.cs:

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string[] MyArray = new string[1];
            MyArray[0] = "My Value";
            Grid1D.DataSource = MyArray;
        public Details[] getDetails(string columnname, string inputVal)
            List<Details> list = new List<Details>();
            DbAccess dbacc = new DbAccess();
            DataTable dt = dbacc.getReportDetails(columnname, inputVal);
            foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                Details _Details = new Details();
                _Details.memid = row["memid"].ToString();
                _Details.usrname = row["usrname"].ToString();
                _Details.fullname = row["fullname"].ToString();
                _Details.fname = row["fname"].ToString();
                _Details.mname = row["mname"].ToString();
                _Details.lname = row["lname"].ToString();
                _Details.bdate = row["bdate"].ToString();
                _Details.address = row["address"].ToString();
                _Details.sponsorid = row["sponsor_id"].ToString();
                _Details.parentid = row["parent_id"].ToString();
                _Details.placement = row["placement"].ToString();
                _Details.datejoined = row["date_joined"].ToString();
            Grid1D.DataSource = list.ToArray();
            return list.ToArray();

    And here is my js file:

    function retrieveReportData() {
        var columnName = $("#ddlFilters").val();
        var input = $("#tags").val();
        if (columnName != "Select") {
            var Data = JSON.stringify({ columnname: columnName, inputVal: input });
                url: "Default.aspx/getDetails",
                data: Data,
                type: "POST",
                dataType: "json",
                contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                success: function (mydata) {
            alert("Please choose search filter");

    You may notice that I'm alerting my data to ensure that I have the right values to send to my webmethod. But just like I said, it fails to call my webmethod and don't proceed to my success function within my ajax. Help! Thanks! :)

  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    Sorry but I didn't understood what you just said.
  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    There's an errror when I put static on my webmethod. Error 2 An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'SearchMember_Updated.Default.Grid1D'
  • Asif Mushtaq
    Asif Mushtaq about 12 years
    I mean that you should pass the parameters in the URL, and set the type to GET. Please check my updated answeer
  • Alexei Levenkov
    Alexei Levenkov about 12 years
    +1. @ljpv14, So don't reference it... Makes no sense to update some UI in web method in your case as there is no corresponding HTML page.
  • Claudio Redi
    Claudio Redi about 12 years
    You can't bind a server control on a webmethod. Use it for loading/saving data from/to server. I'm afraid you'll need to change that logic
  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    I finally able to call my webmethod. By why isn't it stopping at the line where I set a breakpoint? Does it mean it is not proceeding to the webmethod?
  • Asif Mushtaq
    Asif Mushtaq about 12 years
    You can also use Data: "?colunmname="+colname+"&inputVal="+inputValue
  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    @AlexeiLevenkov I believe I said that my webmethod is within my default.aspx.cs
  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    So does if mean that I need to pass it in another method in order to bind it with my gridview? How could I pass a list to another method? @Claudio Redi. Thanks!
  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    Oops. I checked again and still I got an internal server error.
  • Claudio Redi
    Claudio Redi about 12 years
    @ljpv14: you have to bind the grid on the normal page flow, you can't do it on the webmethod call.
  • Luke Villanueva
    Luke Villanueva about 12 years
    @ClaudioRedi THANKS! I just set to static and at my success function in my ajax, I appended it to my gridview and it works. Thank you so much for that idea. Another question, how can I remove the last appended set of data? Because when I try to click my button the last appended data are still there and just added at the bottom the new ones. Thanks!
  • StuartLC
    StuartLC over 9 years