Can't find the webcam Dell Latitude E6540


Since you mentioned that it's a work computer, they probably removed the management software for the webcam.

You also said that the camera worked when you went to a website. That's because the website uses a plugin called Flash, and since you gave it permission to access your webcam, you were able to get your webcam to work.

Chances are that you're not going to be able to install any software on your computer. Your best option would be going on websites similar to what you've found.


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mette sørensen
Author by

mette sørensen

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • mette sørensen
    mette sørensen almost 2 years

    When I search for webcam, camera, cam nothing turns up. I can turn on the camera from online services, but I do not know how to do it offline.

    • Thalys
      Thalys almost 10 years
      What online services? And what are you actually trying to do with the camera?
    • mette sørensen
      mette sørensen almost 10 years
      I mainly want to use the camera for taking pictures and videoes. When I couldn´t find the camera on the computer I used and allowed them to find the camera and they could. The computers programs are installed with capainstaller (it´s a work computer), can this be the problem?