Can't get Instagram API security code


Solution 1

I'm getting the exact same error, except I didn't gave them the wrong phone number... I've now tried with several numbers and from different operators and still no text message.

EDIT: I just managed to make it work, using this link: It gives you access to a norwegian number (+4796667263) and shows you the text messages. After trying with several numbers from every operator in Portugal and still getting no response, I noticed people was using this to verify Instagram, so I tried it as a last resort and it surprisingly worked!

Solution 2

I was getting the same error too and I found this answer on another website:

'What Instagram should tell you is that you need to add your country's dialing code. For me in australia I'd enter +61xxxxxxxxxx. In America it would be +1 followed by your phone number. DO NOT ADD SPACES, BE SURE TO ADD THE +'

However, if you have already put your mobile number and you did so incorrectly, like I did, then all you need to do is log into from a NEW browser.

I initially was using Google Chrome, and I tried logging out then logging back, refreshing but each time still got the security code check. So I couldn't enter my mobile number in again.

I then tried logging in via Safari and surprisingly it gave me the mobile verification option, so I added my number in correctly this time and within a few seconds got my 'verification code'.

Hope that helps!

Author by


I am a user who prefers to keep an air of mystery about myself, apparently.

Updated on November 15, 2020


  • Holly
    Holly over 3 years

    I'm testing the Instagram API for a client and am using my personal account for testing purposes only.

    I registered an Application on When they asked for my phone number I just gave them a random sequence of numbers as I don't want them having my number. Then when I try to continue to Register a Client they say I must You must verify your phone number to create a Client ID.

    I tired editing my Instagram profile with my correct phone number but it asks for my security code there again. And I haven't received anything on my mobile. I entered my number with both 00 [country code] and +[country code]

    Problem is I gave them the wrong number. How can I fix this or start from scratch with the correct phone number.