Can't install .deb version of Chrome


Solution 1

The conventional way is to install using dpkg. It is a new feature of apt to install from deb files. That's why the correct syntax is not always clear. man apt doesn't tell much either.

So a guaranteed way is to copy the deb file to your Home directory and running

sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

If it is the first time you install Chrome, you will get some error messages regarding missing dependencies. You can fix it by

sudo apt install -f

Instead of copying to Home you can use the path

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb

Update: It looks like the solution is easier. OP made a typo in the command. The file name is wrong amd.64.deb :-)

So it is likely that the initial command with the correct file will work as well.

Solution 2

You normally don't download debs and install them in linux, like you are used to in windows with exe files.

You add a repository (or ppa, where available), update the software list and install the software. This way you also get updates through the added repository.

For Google Chrome, do this:

open a terminal ctrl+alt+t

add the repository key:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - 

add the chrome repository with this command:

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list'

update software list:

sudo apt update

install Google Chrome (stable):

sudo apt install google-chrome-stable


Pro Tip: Paste to console with ctrl+shift+v

[edit] forgot adding repository key, sorry.[/edit]


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user737888
    user737888 over 1 year

    I've been trying to install .deb chrome file (google-chrome-stable_current_amd.64.deb). It is saved in my Downloads, so I tried this command

    sudo apt-get install ~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd.64.deb 

    After reading the package list it responds:

    E: Unsupported file /home/stockton/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd.64.deb given on command line

    I don't know why it says E: file, I though Linux drives and files are not named after letters like Windows drives, for example 'C:' but idk I can still be wrong. I did have Windows 10 before I booted Ubuntu.

    Any help will be great.

    • Pilot6
      Pilot6 over 6 years
      Copy the file to your Home directory (/home/stockton) and run sudo dpkg -i google-chrome* && sudo apt install -f
    • steeldriver
      steeldriver over 6 years
      The E: is not related to Windows drive letters - it simply denotes an Error condition
    • Soren A
      Soren A over 6 years
      apt-get can't install .deb files.
    • Marcus S
      Marcus S over 6 years
      Pankaj Gautam's solution works for me, 17.04…
    • Pilot6
      Pilot6 over 6 years
      And it looks like you made a typo in the command. It is not amd.64.deb, it is amd64.deb.
    • ravery
      ravery over 6 years
      this is a repost of a previous question by the same user. PS- the command is dpkg not apt
    • Pilot6
      Pilot6 over 6 years
      Run sudo apt install -f
    • user205301
      user205301 about 4 years
      Modern apt is able to install .deb files directly and pull the dependencies.
    • Hackinet
      Hackinet almost 3 years
      All the other answers fail to mention this, but do a chmod 777 google-chrome-stable_current_amd.64.deb on your downloaded file. And then you can install it normally.