can't open port 25 on CentOS


The accept line for your port 25

-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT

comes after the blanket reject

-A INPUT -j REJECT --reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

Switch them round and reload. Iptables works on first match wins so the ACCEPT will never be actioned. The reason you can connect to localhost is that there is a blanket accept

-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT 

before the reject.

If that doesn't work, then ckeck postfix is listening on the relevant IP address, check the output of

netstat -tnlp | grep 25 

and take approprite action. If it's not that then it's most likely that someone else is blocking port 25 upstream of you.


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Dimitar Dimitrov
Author by

Dimitar Dimitrov

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Dimitar Dimitrov
    Dimitar Dimitrov almost 2 years

    I have a relatively simple stored procedure which is just a select statement from 2 joined tables, and has a single parameter.

    Running it in SSMS returns, for example, 6 rows.

    In Report Builder, I created a dataset from this SP, and I added the fields manually in the Fields tab, using the same names as in the SP.

    I pull the fields to a tablix - which returns empty rows, but interestingly - 6 empty rows. So it works fine in SSMS and Query Designer - but nothing when executing.

    I have tried creating a brand new report from scratch, and I have checked for white font on white background - no result.

    Any clues what could be the reason?

    thanks in advance,

    PS Value property: Value Property

    • Ladadadada
      Ladadadada over 11 years
      It's better to look at the actual running configuration rather than the stored-on-disk configuration. They can differ. In your case: iptables -L -nv, postconf -n and netstat -tlnp. My guess is that it's none of these and your hosting provider is blocking port 25 inbound with their own firewall.
    • CloudWeavers
      CloudWeavers over 11 years
      You are blocking port 25 at the -j REJECT [...] line. Re-add your accept rules with 'iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT'
    • Anton Cohen
      Anton Cohen over 11 years
      Your server provider might not block port 25, but most home ISPs block customers from connecting to port 25. So if you are testing from home that is probably the issue.
    • user9517
      user9517 over 11 years
      Did you reload your iptables service iptables restart ?