Can I enable bash-completion for the new apt command?


Solution 1

This is an omission in the bash-complete package, not apt. It just seems a completion doesn't exist yet, so I've scrapped together what I can for the apt command (it's not the best documented command that's ever existed!)

The following is an adaptation from the existing apt-get completion (with elements stripped out and bits added from apt-cache's completion). Run sudoedit /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/apt and paste in the following:

# Debian apt(8) completion                             -*- shell-script -*-

    local cur prev words cword
    _init_completion || return

    local special i
    for (( i=0; i < ${#words[@]}-1; i++ )); do
        if [[ ${words[i]} == @(list|search|show|update|install|remove|upgrade|full-upgrade|edit-sources|dist-upgrade|purge) ]]; then

    if [[ -n $special ]]; then
        case $special in
                if [[ -f /etc/debian_version ]]; then
                    # Debian system
                    COMPREPLY=( $( \
                        _xfunc dpkg _comp_dpkg_installed_packages $cur ) )
                    # assume RPM based
                    _xfunc rpm _rpm_installed_packages
                return 0
                COMPREPLY=( $( apt-cache --no-generate pkgnames "$cur" \
                    2> /dev/null ) )
                return 0

    case $prev in
             return 0
             COMPREPLY=( $( apt-cache policy | \
                 command grep "release.o=Debian,a=$cur" | \
                 sed -e "s/.*a=\(\w*\).*/\1/" | uniq 2> /dev/null) )
             return 0

    if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '-d -f -h -v -m -q -s -y -u -t -b -c -o
            --download-only --fix-broken --help --version --ignore-missing
            --fix-missing --no-download --quiet --simulate --just-print
            --dry-run --recon --no-act --yes --assume-yes --show-upgraded
            --only-source --compile --build --ignore-hold --target-release
            --no-upgrade --force-yes --print-uris --purge --reinstall
            --list-cleanup --default-release --trivial-only --no-remove
            --diff-only --no-install-recommends --tar-only --config-file
            --option --auto-remove' -- "$cur" ) )
        COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'list search show update install 
            remove upgrade full-upgrade edit-sources dist-upgrade 
            purge' -- "$cur" ) )

    return 0
} &&
complete -F _apt apt

# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh

Then run source ~/.bashrc to load the completion. Then apt show firef + Tab should complete.

This may offer you options that just don't exist any more. I think I've nailed the main commands (which might change in time) but at the very least it'll help you with the common commands: list search show update install remove upgrade full-upgrade edit-sources dist-upgrade purge.

Obviously, if a bash-completion maintainer wants to nab the above, you're welcome to it under GPL (though I'd be tempted to start from fresh once apt is documented!)

Solution 2

Why not use the original bash-completion?

Try this script. It will download and install the bash-completion on ~/tmp/bash-completion.

echo -en "\e]2;Updating bash completion...\a"


if [ ! -d "$katalog" ]; then
   mkdir -p $katalog
   cd $katalog
   cd ..
   git clone git://
   cd $katalog
   autoreconf -i
   sudo make install
   cd $katalog
   if [ `git log --pretty=%H ...refs/heads/master^` != `git ls-remote origin -h refs/heads/master |cut -f1` ]; then
      git pull
      autoreconf -i
      sudo make install
      echo "Bash-completion is already up to date!"

You start using it with command . ~/tmp/bash-completion/, which can be put into ~/.bashrc file, or - better yet - symlink it into some file in the /etc/profile.d/ directory. Uninstall the original bash-completion, so you wouldn't end up loading both at the same time.


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Hi, I'm Oli and I'm a "full-stack" web-dev-op. Eurgh. I'm also allergic to jargon BS. I spend most of my professional time writing Django websites and webapps for SMEs. I write a lot of Python outside of Django sites too. I administer various Linux servers for various tasks. I contribute to the open source projects that I use when I can. I'm a full-time Linux user and that has lead to helping other people live the dream. I am an official Ubuntu Member and I earnt my ♦ on SE's own Ask Ubuntu in 2011's moderator election. That's probably where I spend most of my unpaid time. I also run which has been my place to write for the last decade or so. If you need to contact me for extended help, you can do so via my website, just remember that I have bills so if I feel your request is above and beyond normal duty, I might ask for remuneration for one-on-one support. For more social contact, you can usually find me (or just my computer) lurking in the Ask Ubuntu General Chat Room and on Freenode in #ubuntu and #ubuntu-uk under the handle Oli or Oli``.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Oli
    Oli almost 2 years

    The new apt command, present in Ubuntu since 14.04, seems to be a really useful intersection of functionality between apt-get and apt-cache but the current version of bash-completion doesn't know about it... Which makes it a lot harder to use.

    Is there a quick way to add this functionality to Bash to make the apt command easy to use?

  • Jorge Castro
    Jorge Castro about 10 years
    Open a bug and submit this as a patch!
  • Oli
    Oli about 10 years
  • Adam Ryczkowski
    Adam Ryczkowski about 10 years
    @Oli Well, I guess they do. There are files aptitude, apt-get and apt-cache. What exactly do you mean by apt completion?
  • Oli
    Oli about 10 years
    Per my opening question, apt is a brand new(ish) command that's in Trusty. It has some of apt-get, some of apt-cache... All with a little bit of extra flourish in one place.
  • Adam Ryczkowski
    Adam Ryczkowski about 10 years
    @Oli Oh, you are right! I didn't know about it. And - bash-completion doesn't support it out of the box so far. Fortunately it wouldn't be that difficult to write a plugin, so you can expect one soon. Chances are, that using my script you would be among the first, who can use it.
  • Mateo
    Mateo about 9 years
    any word on where to "me too" this on launchpad?