Can not delete pods in Kubernetes


Solution 1

The link provided by the op may be unavailable. See the update section

As you specified you created your dgraph server using this, So just use this one to delete the resources you created:

$ kubectl delete -f


Basically, this is an explanation for the reason.

Kubernetes has some workloads (those contain PodTemplate in their manifest). These are:

See, who controls whom:

  • ReplicationController -> Pod(s)
  • ReplicaSet -> Pod(s)
  • Deployment -> ReplicaSet(s) -> Pod(s)
  • StatefulSet -> Pod(s)
  • DaemonSet -> Pod(s)
  • Job -> Pod
  • CronJob -> Job(s) -> Pod

a -> b means a creates and controls b and the value of field .metadata.ownerReference in b's manifest is the reference of a. For example,

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    controller: true
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    kind: ReplicaSet
    name: my-repset
    uid: d9607e19-f88f-11e6-a518-42010a800195

This way, deletion of the parent object will also delete the child object via garbase collection.

So, a's controller ensures that a's current status matches with a's spec. Say, if one deletes b, then b will be deleted. But a is still alive and a's controller sees that there is a difference between a's current status and a's spec. So a's controller recreates a new b obj to match with the a's spec.

The ops created a Deployment that created ReplicaSet that further created Pod(s). So here the soln was to delete the root obj which was the Deployment.

$ kubectl get deploy -n {namespace}

$ kubectl delete deploy {deployment name} -n {namespace}

Note Book

Another problem may arise during deletion is as follows: If there is any finalizer in the .metadata.finalizers[] section, then only after completing the task(s) performed by the associated controller, the deletion will be performed. If one wants to delete the object without performing the finalizer(s)' action(s), then he/she has to delete those finalizer(s) first. For example,

$ kubectl patch -n {namespace} deploy {deployment name} --patch '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}'
$ kubectl delete -n {namespace} deploy {deployment name}

Solution 2

I did face same issue. Run command:

kubectl get deployment

you will get respective deployment to your pod. Copy it and then run command:

kubectl delete deployment xyz

then check. No new pods will be created.

Solution 3

You can perform a graceful pod deletion with the following command:

kubectl delete pods <pod>

If you want to delete a Pod forcibly using kubectl version >= 1.5, do the following:

kubectl delete pods <pod> --grace-period=0 --force

If you’re using any version of kubectl <= 1.4, you should omit the --force option and use:

kubectl delete pods <pod> --grace-period=0

If even after these commands the pod is stuck on Unknown state, use the following command to remove the pod from the cluster:

kubectl patch pod <pod> -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":null}}'

Solution 4

Pods in kubernetes also depends on its type. Like

  • Replication Controllers
  • Replica Sets
  • Statefulsets
  • Deployments
  • Daemon Sets
  • Pod

Do kubectl describe pod <podname> and check

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet

Now do kubectl get <pod-kind>
At last delete the same and pod will also be deleted.

Solution 5

Delete deployment, not the pods. It is deployment that is making another pod. You can see the different pod name after you delete pods.

kubectl get all

kubectl delete deployment DEPLOYMENTNAME

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in a Legal Services providing company located in Capital of Tamil Nadu, India. Contact me any time on LinkedIn

Updated on August 11, 2021


    AATHITH RAJENDRAN over 2 years

    I tried installing dgraph (single server) using Kubernetes.
    I created pod using:

    kubectl create -f

    Now all I need to do is to delete the created pods.
    I tried deleting the pod using:

    kubectl delete pod pod-name

    The result shows pod deleted, but the pod keeps recreating itself.
    I need to remove those pods from my Kubernetes. What should I do now?

    • Shudipta Sharma
      Shudipta Sharma over 5 years
      Is there any deployment or statefulset or replicaset or replicationcontroller or job or cronjob or daemonset running in your cluster for dgraph?
    • nightfury1204
      nightfury1204 over 5 years
      How did you deploy dgraph?
    • Michael Hausenblas
      Michael Hausenblas over 5 years
      Do a kubectl get all. I'm pretty certain you will see a deployment there that owns the pods, that's the one you need to delete.
    • Shudipta Sharma
      Shudipta Sharma over 5 years
      Did you deploy you dgraph using like this command $ kubectl create -f‌​ntrib/config/kuberne‌​tes/dgraph-single.ya‌​ml?
      AATHITH RAJENDRAN over 5 years
      yes i created using kubectl create -f… @shudipta
    AATHITH RAJENDRAN over 5 years
    i tried all these and it does the job of deleting the pods. but my problem is the pods getting created again and again after deletion(its replicating).
  • saurabheights
    saurabheights over 3 years
    @AATHITHRAJENDRAN There is probably a deployment which is doing this. check kubectl get all.