can not sign in online accounts with facebook


I found a Workaround. Check this :

Edit /usr/share/accounts/providers/facebook.provider

sudo gedit /usr/share/accounts/providers/facebook.provider

Put this under line 13,

<setting name="AllowedSchemes" type="as">['https','http']</setting>


This is the original /usr/share/accounts/providers/facebook.provider:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provider id="facebook">
    <group name="auth">
      <setting name="method">oauth2</setting>
      <setting name="mechanism">user_agent</setting>
      <group name="oauth2">
        <group name="user_agent">        
          <setting name="Host"></setting>
          <setting name="AuthPath">/dialog/oauth</setting>
          <setting name="RedirectUri"></setting>
          <setting name="Display">popup</setting>
          <setting type="as" name="Scope">['publish_stream','read_stream','status_update','user_photos','friends_photos','xmpp_login']</setting>
          <setting name="ClientId">302061903208115</setting>

This is the modified /usr/share/accounts/providers/facebook.provider:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<provider id="facebook">
    <group name="auth">
      <setting name="method">oauth2</setting>
      <setting name="mechanism">user_agent</setting>
      <group name="oauth2">
        <group name="user_agent">      
+         <setting name="AllowedSchemes" type="as">['https','http']</setting>  
          <setting name="Host"></setting>
          <setting name="AuthPath">/dialog/oauth</setting>
          <setting name="RedirectUri"></setting>
          <setting name="Display">popup</setting>
          <setting type="as" name="Scope">['publish_stream','read_stream','status_update','user_photos','friends_photos','xmpp_login']</setting>
          <setting name="ClientId">302061903208115</setting>

Note: however that this exposes your desktop to some security risks, so please use it only if you are connected to a trusted network. -- Alberto Mardegan (mardy)


Update: Seems that this bug is fixed on the quantal-proposed and raring-proposed. The package is account-plugin-facebook and its version is 0.10bzr13.03.26-0ubuntu1.1

Author by


Updated on September 18, 2022


  • JaskeyLam
    JaskeyLam almost 2 years

    I just used bootstrap-switch - v3.3.1, I don't need the border radius so I set border-radius:0 !important; to .bootstrap-switch.bootstrap-switch-focused like this:

    .bootstrap-switch.bootstrap-switch-focused {
        border-color: #cacaca;
        outline: none !important;;
        -webkit-box-shadow: none;
        box-shadow: none;
        border-radius: 0 !important;

    But we can see that there are a small radius border inside the switcher.

    How can I change the entire switcher to square border, without affecting the global switchers.

  • Nur
    Nur about 11 years
    This doesn't work, now I can't open Online Account.
  • Sadi
    Sadi about 11 years
    Thanks a lot, this worked for me, with Ubuntu 13.04 64-bit.
  • Sadi
    Sadi about 11 years
    Can we perhaps reduce security risks a little bit if we only include 'https' and leave out 'http' in this line to be inserted?
  • as-if-i-code
    as-if-i-code about 11 years
    I do not know @Sadi because I am not a developer or a coder. I just found this comment while searching the net. Sorry... still at 14
  • JaskeyLam
    JaskeyLam about 9 years
    No help, would you please give me a jsfiddle link?