Can %NOTFOUND return null after a fetch?


I can find a situation where a fetch can fail:

  i integer;
  cursor c is
    select 1 / 0 from dual;
  open c;

    fetch c
      into i;
    when others then

  if c%notfound is null then
  elsif c%notfound then
  end if;
  close c;


But this only makes your question stronger since it will evaluate to null, neither in 10g nor in 11g ...

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I've grown up a lot through using these sites and I have a lot of thoughts about how people can interact as individuals or groups in order to learn more and learn better. Some of these thoughts are scattered around the various meta sites.

Updated on December 29, 2021


  • Ben
    Ben over 2 years

    This question raised a very interesting point; there seems to be a contradiction in the Oracle documentation on whether it's possible for %NOTFOUND to be null after a fetch. Is it?

    To quote from the 11g documentation

    Note: In Example 6-16, if FETCH never fetches a row, then c1%NOTFOUND is always NULL and the loop is never exited. To prevent infinite looping, use this EXIT statement instead: EXIT WHEN c1%NOTFOUND OR (c1%NOTFOUND IS NULL);

    The documentation seems to directly contradict itself as it also says the following, which implies that after a fetch %NOTFOUND cannot be null.

    %NOTFOUND (the logical opposite of %FOUND) returns:
    NULL after the explicit cursor is opened but before the first fetch
    FALSE if the most recent fetch from the explicit cursor returned a row
    TRUE otherwise

    The 10g documentation has a similar warning, which isn't, necessarily, a direct contradiction as it warns that a fetch might not execute successfully in order for this behaviour to be exhibited.

    Before the first fetch, %NOTFOUND evaluates to NULL. If FETCH never executes successfully, the EXIT WHEN condition is never TRUE and the loop is never exited. To be safe, you might want to use the following EXIT statement instead:


    In what situations might a fetch either "fail" or might %NOTFOUND return null after a fetch has been executed?

  • Ben
    Ben almost 12 years
    Why would the fetch never execute in that situation though?
  • Ben
    Ben almost 12 years
    +1 for being overly smart about it :-). The examples in the documentation didn't have nested anonymous blocks...
  • Adam Hawkes
    Adam Hawkes almost 12 years
    There could be a problem with the query where it is valid syntactically but fails due to other factors.
  • Ben
    Ben almost 12 years
    The point of the question is what are those other factors :-)? I can't think of a single way in which the code will get past the fetch in order to evaluate the %notfound yet the fetch will not have "worked".
  • Adam Hawkes
    Adam Hawkes almost 12 years
    I'm as guilty as the documentation when it comes to bad examples and wording. The fetch, even if there's an error, should result in the %notfound to be true or false. It is only null before the first fetch (as described earlier in the docs). So, if the FETCH never executes (successfully or otherwise) then the %notfound is null.