Can xdotool position the mouse relative to current location?


You'll find the answer in the xdotool man page:

   mousemove_relative [options] x y
       Move the mouse x,y pixels relative to the current position of the
       mouse cursor.

           Use polar coordinates. This makes 'x' an angle (in degrees,
           0-360, etc) and 'y' the distance.

           Rotation starts at 'up' (0 degrees) and rotates clockwise: 90 =
           right, 180 = down, 270 = left.

           After sending the mouse move request, wait until the mouse is
           actually moved. If no movement is necessary, we will not wait.
           This is useful for scripts that depend on actions being
           completed before moving on.

           Note that we wait until the mouse moves at all, not necessarily
           that it actually reaches your intended destination. Some
           applications lock the mouse cursor to certain regions of the
           screen, so waiting for any movement is better in the general
           case than waiting for a specific target.

In your case it will be:

xdotool mousemove_relative --sync 5 0

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My name is Tim. I've graduated from the University of Nottingham with a First Class Computer Science BSc with Hons. In my spare time I do computer programming, often C or JavaScript, but also shell scripts, and answering questions on Stack Exchange. I used to spend most of my time on Ask Ubuntu; now I mostly browse the HNQ or Meta Stack Exchange. If you want to contact me it's [email protected] Do you need a reliable VPS? Try Digital Ocean. Sign up with this link for $10 free. One of my favourite sites is, a micro-funding organisation that allows people to lend money via the Internet to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. Kiva's mission is “to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.” With just $25 you can make a difference - and 99% of loans are paid back in full - so you can lend again and again!

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Tim
    Tim almost 2 years

    Is there any way of choosing not a screen location, but a location relative to where it is?

    For example, it could be xdotool mousemove +5 +0

    Does this exist?

  • tester
    tester about 5 years
    if you end up here trying to move the mouse relatively and with negative x, y values, you need to xdotool mousemove_relative -- -5 -10