Can XPath match on parts of an element's name?


Solution 1

Do something like:

//*[ends-with(name(), 'fu')]

For a good XPath reference, check out W3Schools.

Solution 2

This answer is for XPath 1.0 where there is no equivalent of the XPath 2.0 standard ends-with() function.

The following XPath 1.0 expression selects all elements in the xml document, whose names end with the string "fu":

//*[substring(name(),string-length(name())-1) = 'fu']

Solution 3

I struggled with Dimitre Novatchev's answer, it wouldn't return matches. I knew your XPath must have a section telling that "fu" has length 2.

It's advised to have a string-length('fu') to determine what to substring.

For those who aren't able to get results with his answer and they require solution with xpath 1.0:

//*[substring(name(), string-length(name()) - string-length('fu') +1) = 'fu']

Finds matches of elements ending with "fu"


//*[substring(name(), string-length(name()) - string-length('Position') +1) = 'Position']

Finds matches to elements ending with "Position"

Author by


Updated on March 07, 2020


  • Admin
    Admin over 4 years

    I want to do this:


    which returns all nodes whose name ends in fu, such as <tarfu /> and <snafu />, but not <fubar />

  • Wayne
    Wayne over 12 years
    This is an XPath 2.0 solution only.
  • LostNomad311
    LostNomad311 over 9 years
    note that you can use local-name() to omit namespaces in complex XML
  • user766308
    user766308 over 3 years
    Thanks for this helpful comment. I was trying to do this with lxml, which supports ends-with, but not on element names. Your answer was exactly what I needed!